The PTO provides for programs designed to enhance each grade’s current curriculum, provides teachers with additional
materials not covered in the school’s budget, and hosts many family-fun and community events.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Highland View's Report Card
For those of you at the last PTO meeting, you remember the big news was the new school "report card" debuting this October. Thanks again to Kim Amidzich for her presentation explaining what the report card meant to us as parents, and to our school.
To get a feel again for the standards we're being graded on, here's the Core Standards website:
And, here's the link to the actual Highland View Report Card:
In a nutshell, Highland View exceeds state expectations overall, and is significantly ahead of the state average in both math and reading (16.4 points ahead in math, 10 points ahead in reading).
There's also a FAQ available about the new report cards here:
Proposed Minutes Oct 15, 2012
Here are the minutes from the last meeting. The opportunity to amend or revise will be available at the beginning of the next meeting if you see corrections that need made.
Highland View PTO
October 15, 2012
Minutes (Proposed)
Twenty-six individuals were in attendance (including Dr. Tharp, Mrs. Amidzich, Mrs. Dietrich and five classroom teachers).
Dr. John Tharp, Superintendent of Schools for the Greendale School District, and HV parent, greeted the meeting participants and answered a few questions.
Ms. Kim Amidzich, Director of Learning and Assessment for the Greendale School District gave a presentation on the new school report card and changes in state and federal accountability measures. She discussed standards, assessment, and reporting. More information can be found on the district’s website: as well as the state’s website:
The minutes of the September 24, 2012 meeting were approved.
Aleks Skibicki gave the Treasurer’s report, primarily focused on the fall fundraiser. He noted that over $14,000 in product was sold through the fundraiser and will have further information on the PTO’s profit at the next meeting.
Report on Past Events
Denise Sanders reported on the completion of the Highland View Phone Book, noting that it was distributed to PTO members on the prior Friday.
Current Projects/Upcoming Events
Spirit Wear: Jessica Anaya is researching companies to use for a spirit wear sale which she anticipates beginning in the next couple of weeks so that orders will be in before Christmas.
Fun Run/Walk for Education: Colleen Thiel indicated that approximately 120 participants are currently registered from Highland View. Registration is still open and the forecast looks good! Volunteers are still needed and should contact Colleen for more information.
All the World Festival: Amanda Kachikis noted that ten families have signed up to share their culture with other Highland View families. Ms. Bradley raised the idea of providing prizes/gifts to children who complete the world passport that they use throughout the event. It was determined that prizes could be purchased within the existing event budget.
Book Fair: The first book fair will be held in November in conjunction with parent/teacher conferences.
Conference Dinner: Kristin Settle noted that she is planning to provide sandwiches and ask parents to contribute salads and desserts for the staff conference dinner in November.
Spirit Days: Amanda Kachikis stated that Spirit Days are being held monthly and some of the fifth grade students are providing the primary organization for the days.
Florentine Opera
Mrs. Dietrich requested funds to bring the Florentine Opera’s performance of Little Red Riding Hood to Highland View for an assembly for 4K through 2nd grades. A motion was made to approve this expenditure and was then agreed to by the majority of members in attendance.
Principal’s Report
Mrs. Dietrich reviewed Highland View’s CARE philosophy. Students will be receiving CARE t-shirts in the near future, funded by Partners for Community Action. Over the coming weeks, staff will be teaching and modeling the behaviors that are desired through the CARE philosophy. She also informed parents that during this week, an all-school photo will be taken for use in the yearbook. WKCE testing will begin this week and continue for several weeks.
Meeting Conclusion
The gift card for most parents at the meeting was given to Mrs. D’Acquisto.
The meeting was adjourned.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Meeting Today! (Monday October 15th)
Just one more reminder for today's meeting. It should be a good one.
Meet the new Superintendent, Dr. Tharpe, and hear about the new state standards and report cards for schools from Kim Amidzich from Greendale School District.
Monday October 15th
6:00 P.M.
Meet the new Superintendent, Dr. Tharpe, and hear about the new state standards and report cards for schools from Kim Amidzich from Greendale School District.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
On-Line Ordering for the Fall Fundraiser

The website to place on-line orders for the Highland View fall fundraiser is:
Greendale Step Up to better Health Run/Walk

Registration forms are due OCTOBER 5th--that's this FRIDAY! You can click here to get the form.
Money raised goes to Highland View if you choose. This year we would love to have a huge Highland View turn-out!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Thank You!
A tremendous "Thank You!" to everyone that came to our first meeting.
It is always heartwarming to see so many parents interested in taking an active role in their children's school. Please feel free to use us as a resource for any questions you may have, or ideas you might want to share. Our PTO lives and grows because of parents like you. Every program we run, every event we put on, every new tool we share with teachers and staff started out as an idea that came from a parent just like you.
Please continue to learn and grow with us through this 2012-2013 school year.
And if you need 3 good reasons to remember to come to our October 15th meeting:
1) We'll talk a LOT less about fundraising!
2) Superintendent Tharp is excited to meet his fellow Highland View Parents, and
3) The new statewide school report-card system will affect all of us, and Kim Amidzich's presentation will make sure we understand what's going on.
It is always heartwarming to see so many parents interested in taking an active role in their children's school. Please feel free to use us as a resource for any questions you may have, or ideas you might want to share. Our PTO lives and grows because of parents like you. Every program we run, every event we put on, every new tool we share with teachers and staff started out as an idea that came from a parent just like you.
Please continue to learn and grow with us through this 2012-2013 school year.
And if you need 3 good reasons to remember to come to our October 15th meeting:
1) We'll talk a LOT less about fundraising!
2) Superintendent Tharp is excited to meet his fellow Highland View Parents, and
3) The new statewide school report-card system will affect all of us, and Kim Amidzich's presentation will make sure we understand what's going on.
"When parents get involved in their children’s education, grades go up, test scores go up, children become more likely to attend better schools after high school, they have fewer discipline problems, and they’re less likely to use drugs and alcohol. This is supported by more than 500 independent studies about parent involvement! "
Monday, September 17, 2012
Welcome to the new Highland View PTO website!
While putting together our schedule this year, we realized the PTO does a lot at Highland View, almost too much for us to keep track of. We've designed this website to help you keep track of what we're doing and to help you become a part of it all.
Keep your eyes open as we all look forward to a great 2012-2013 year!
Volunteers Needed!
A lot of people have stepped up to help out this year, but there are still things we need help with! Yellow events are in desperate need of of coordinators/chairpeople. (Of course if there's anything--even something not highlighted--that you'd like to help with, we'd love to have you!)
PTO Chair List 2012-13
All Around the World Festival Amanda Kachikas
Art to Remember Kendra Bradford
Birthday Board Amanda Kachikis
Book Fair Cheryl DeWalt
Box Tops Katrina Cooper
Campbell’s Soup Labels Michelle Persike and Caroline Roberts
Conference Dinners (Nov.) Kristi Settle
Conference Dinners (Feb.) Amy Schwark
Family Dinner Night Natalie Thiel
Fundraiser Aleks Skibicki
Fun Run/Walk Colleen Thiel
Health Room Adela Smith
High Interest Day Denise Sanders
Highlighter Board
Ice Cream Social Maureen Waterstraat
Market Day Amanda Kachikis (seeking co-chair)
McDonalds Receipts Angie Latus
Milk Caps Angie Latus
Olympic Day
Phone Book Denise Sanders (Jessica Anaya 2013-14)
Publishing Center Lori Hanlon
Read Me a Story Night Alison Julien
RIF Alison Julien
Run/Walk (with Olympic Day)
Sock Hop Lori Hanlon
Spirit Days Amanda Kachikis
Spirit Wear
Staff Appreciation Week Amanda Kachikis
Village Days Katrina Cooper
Yearbook Cheryl Sanders
Website Aleks Skibicki
Welcome Back Breakfast
Welcome Back Picnic
Ad Hoc Committees
Nominating Committee Denise Sanders
Budget Committee
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