A lot of people have stepped up to help out this year, but there are still things we need help with! Yellow events are in desperate need of of coordinators/chairpeople. (Of course if there's anything--even something not highlighted--that you'd like to help with, we'd love to have you!)
PTO Chair List 2012-13
All Around the World Festival Amanda Kachikas
Art to Remember Kendra Bradford
Birthday Board Amanda Kachikis
Book Fair Cheryl DeWalt
Box Tops Katrina Cooper
Campbell’s Soup Labels Michelle Persike and Caroline Roberts
Conference Dinners (Nov.) Kristi Settle
Conference Dinners (Feb.) Amy Schwark
Family Dinner Night Natalie Thiel
Fundraiser Aleks Skibicki
Fun Run/Walk Colleen Thiel
Health Room Adela Smith
High Interest Day Denise Sanders
Highlighter Board
Ice Cream Social Maureen Waterstraat
Market Day Amanda Kachikis (seeking co-chair)
McDonalds Receipts Angie Latus
Milk Caps Angie Latus
Olympic Day
Phone Book Denise Sanders (Jessica Anaya 2013-14)
Publishing Center Lori Hanlon
Read Me a Story Night Alison Julien
RIF Alison Julien
Run/Walk (with Olympic Day)
Sock Hop Lori Hanlon
Spirit Days Amanda Kachikis
Spirit Wear
Staff Appreciation Week Amanda Kachikis
Village Days Katrina Cooper
Yearbook Cheryl Sanders
Website Aleks Skibicki
Welcome Back Breakfast
Welcome Back Picnic
Ad Hoc Committees
Nominating Committee Denise Sanders
Budget Committee