The PTO provides for programs designed to enhance each grade’s current curriculum, provides teachers with additional
materials not covered in the school’s budget, and hosts many family-fun and community events.

Monday, December 9, 2013

PTO Discussion on Polling Places and Student Security

Tonight we'll discuss parent's concerns about having the schools wide open during election days, compared to the effort devoted to student security during the rest of the year.  This discussion comes in response to several parent's voiced concerns and the school boards inclusion of the question on a recent parent survey about school scheduling next year.

We'll discuss the following letter, and vote on whether to send it to the district school board and administrative staff.  We'll also discuss other options available.  The next school board meeting is next Monday (12/16) at GHS in the Library, and if you consider this an important issue, we would appreciate you attendance there too.

Letter to the Greendale School District:

December 12, 2013

Greendale School District
6815 Southway
Greendale, WI 53129

Dear Greendale School District Administrators and School Board,

With the anniversary of the tragedy in Newtown Connecticut upon us, the safety of students, their teachers and school administrators is on many parents’ minds.  While we are confident that safety is a priority for the district, and confident that generally the students are in as secure environment as possible, there is one glaring issue of concern:  election days.

We would like to express our appreciation to the district for including this issue in the recent school schedule survey that was made available to parents online, and are very happy to see that the school district is looking into closing this distressing gap in school security.  We also hope the school district understands the urgency and significance this is due.  It’s safe to say that if the events in Connecticut had happened on a Tuesday in November, this would already be solved. 

In the school schedule survey, three options were presented to parents:  1) Request that the Village of Greendale move voter polling locations, even if this inconveniences some residents; 2) Arrange the calendar to have days off for students on known election days; 3) Assign Village staff to manage voter traffic in the schools on election days.  As a PTO we would like to recommend the school district prioritize the first two options.   No matter what Village staff are managing traffic, the simple fact is that if the doors are open, anyone can get in.  Furthermore, separating the polling from the students’ school days will not only make it safer for students, but will also make it easier for staff to do their job of educating and developing our future without having to worry about or cater to strangers in the classroom.

And while adjustments can be made to the 2014-2015 school calendar, we would also like to urge the school district to look into what can be arranged for the three election dates remaining during the current school year (12/17/2013, 2/18/2014, 4/1/2014) all of which fall on days when students are in class. 

We understand there are many demands on your time and resources.  We also feel that the safety of our students should be a priority amongst those demands, and thoroughly appreciate your continuing resolution to share that priority with us.

Thank you again for considering this issue.

The Highland View PTO

Agenda for Dec. 9th 2013

Highland View PTO
Monday Dec. 9th, 2013

1) Welcome
2) Review Minutes, Nov. 11, 2013  2 Minutes
3) Treasurer’s Report   3 Minutes
4) Past Events    5 Minutes                                                                                                         
All The World 
5) Upcoming Events   5 Minutes
Sock Hop   
6)Updates  5 Minutes
Book Fair
Spirit Wear   
7) Winter playground equipment  10 Minutes
8) Voting At Schools (Discussion and approval of letter to school district) 10 Minutes
9) Fifth Grade Playground Equipment 10 Minutes
10) Principal’s Time  

Draft Minutes For November 11, 2013

(To be approved at the PTO meeting Dec. 9th 2013)

Highland View PTO
November 11, 2013

Twelve individuals were in attendance.

Aleks Skibicki welcomed members and asked everyone to introduce themselves.

The minutes of September 9, 2013 and October 14, 2013 were approved.

The treasurer’s report was approved.

Past Events
Garden Championship: Over 600lbs of produce was grown in the gardens.  Highland View brought home the trophy.

Family Dinner Night: The evening was fun.  We fed 60adults and 54 children.  The net income totaled $373.31.

Fun Run/ Walk:  Raised $1400.  It was mentioned that maybe a hour later start time next year could help with the turn out.

Box Tops: Katrina Cooper cut and counted the box tops which totaled $3,000.00.

Art to Remember: The items in productions should arrive on November 27th.

Fall Fundraiser: Pick up Wednesday at 6:00 pm. Good profit expected similar to last year.

Current Projects/Upcoming Events
Fun Fair: Question on why the date was move to March verses May was addressed.  The games will be done in house this year.  Teachers will Purchase bikes again this year. Ideas were being thrown around such as classroom baskets, Donations, Spring concert seating.   

Around the World: Students have been doing skits to promote the event during morning announcements. Souvenir will be given to students who turn in stamped passports. Three performances scheduled.  Mrs. Flater will read the book All The World to the students.  The book will then be raffled. We will have a craft and resding room for the kids to visit.  Maybe 5-10 volunteers needed.

Latin Dance:  Approved $341.25 for the latin dance for 4th and 5th graders.

Game Club:  $255 approved for Game Club.


Bruce Paprocki Volunteer Award: Add line to procedure document that states that “The PTO may choose not to give the award in any given year.

Musical Lunch Program:  Harpist to perform on November 21st.

Spirit Wear: Everyone agreed to get the spirit wear order forms out sooner than later.  We will use the same form as College park. We may have another spirit ear sale in spring.

Kilowatt Challenge: HV electricity usage is down 7.7% and is in the lead!

Applebee’s: Dave Braun to look further into a pancake breakfast fundraiser.

Free Fundraiser: Flyer was viewed by everyone and looked good.

Bounced Checks:  PTO needs a procedure in place on how to handle bounced checks. Cheryl Kelly will start looking at banks to transfer the checking account into the name of HV PTO.

Teacher Wish Lists: PTO is in need of teacher wish list.

RIF: Distribution could be on December 16th or it may be later.  Cost $1400 this time could mean less expense next time.

Principal Time
Positive behavior ticket pulls have started.  Some of the prizes are extra recess, lunch with teacher of choice or Mrs. Flater, read in or game with Mrs. Flater.  The kids walked to the high school to watch the marching band.

Next PTO Meeting December 9, 2013

Meeting Conclusion
The gift for most parents at the meeting was given to Miss. Karnowski.

The meeting was adjourned.