Minutes (Draft)
Highland View PTO
March 10th
Called To Order 6:06 P.M.
Members present
1) Greendale School Board candidate forum
Amy Ali and Victoria McCormick introduced themselves and spoke about their
qualifications and interest in the Greendale School Board. They answered many questions from attending
PTO members on subjects ranging from the district nutrition policy to school
programming to school class sizes and financial challenges. The candidates answered questions and spoke
with the PTO for slightly over an hour.
When no more questions were forthcoming, the candidate forum was closed
and the PTO moved on to other business.
2) Updates
Tops Competition—Mrs. Mrotek’s classroom won the competition, which brought in over
8,000 box tops (8,630) amounting to $863 for the PTO. Thanks go out to Katrina Cooper who coordinated the competition
and cut and counted many of the box tops.
Labels Competiton—Ongoing. This competition
continues through April 11th.
The school currently has 30,000 “points” available. An email was sent to teachers asking them to
let us know what they need. As of 3/10
Mrs. Muschinski replied that she needed new “Gator Skin” balls for gym
class. Thanks go out to Michelle
Persike for coordinating the Campbells Soup Label competition and helping
provide needed equipment for our school.
Me a Story Night—2/28. This event was a fun success. Approximately 100 Highland View students
attended and heard stories from parents, teachers, and even Mrs. Flater! Thanks go to Alison Julien for coordinating
it, and to all the parents who donated cookies and supplies for the event.
Dinners and Movie Room—Kristi Settle did a fantastic job with the conference dinners again.
The teachers really do appreciate having dinner and lunch available during
these conferences. We also had
educational videos and supervision available in the library so parents could
leave their children there while conferencing.
This went over well with both teachers and parents. Both parents and teachers appreciated being
able to speak without the students present, and teachers appreciated keeping
their rooms clean and not having to re-organize after conferences.
Recess Equipment—Students got the snow fort brick-makers the PTO purchased in February
and even had some outdoor recesses to enjoy them. They love having the extra equipment to play in the snow.
TLC Committee—The
first order of business for the committee, organizing the lost-and-found, is
complete and it is wonderful. It no onlv
makes it much cleaner, but also makes finding lost items much easier and
in Schools—Jason
Patzfahl and Aleks Skibicki spoke to the Board of Trustees in February. While nothing was decided at the meeting,
the board indicated that it had been considering the idea but was stopped by the lack of alternative
locations. We’ll meet with the Village
Manager, Todd Michaels, soon to discuss what locations have been considered,
and what options are available for future progress.
3) Upcoming Events
well. Should be a good event. At the time of the meeting they’re still
taking donations. A lot of water and
juice have been donated, but very little soda.
Interest Day—Christine
Michalski is coordinating this this year.
Scheduled for April 25th.
If anyone has a talent or hobby to share with the students, please
contact the PTO or Christine.
Schools Garden Championship—Highland View won last year, but this year might be tougher. Spring is around the corner, and a flyer
will be going home to gather recruits and interest to maintain our garden over
Paprocki Distinguished Volunteer Award—Submission deadline is coming soon, also, the PTO
will pick members for the selection committee next meeting. So if you’re interested, let us know.
4) Other Business
sign for teachers directing traffic—A parent recommended we look into providing a
crossing-guard style stop sign for the teachers working after and before school
in the parking lot. Information was
provided on pricing of a Stop/Go and a Stop/Slow sign. After discussion a motion was made to approve
$104.36 funding for 2 Stop/Go signs. (Motion—Alison Julien, 2nd--Michelle
Persike) Motion carried by voice vote.
Spiritwear—Kerry Kapocius requested a
list of items we would like to see available as spiritwear. During discussion the following items were
included in a list to be sent to her:
Water Bottles
Friendly T-Shirts
5) Announcements/Adjournment
Kabele’s class had the highest PTO attendance, so she wins the Learning Store
Gift Card
Julien noted that the RIF book distribution happened during the day, and went
very well.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:34 PM