The school year is rapidly coming to a close, and that means it's time to look for helpers for PTO events and projects for next year. If you were a committee chair this year, I kept you on the list for next--please let me know if I need to take you off! If you see an event with an open space, that means we need someone to organize that. If the space is in yellow, that means we don't need a new chairperson, but one would be appreciated! If you don't want to run an event, but would like to help out, let us know too--we need everyone!
Event/Project | Chairperson |
All the World Festival | ____________________ and Seniorita Bradley |
Art to Remember | Cheryl Kelly |
Birthday Board | Aleks Skibicki |
Book Fair | Cheryl DeWalt |
Box Tops | ____________________ |
Campbell's Soup Labels | Caroline Roberts and Michelle Persike |
Conference Dinners (Nov.) | Kristin Settle |
Conference Dinners (Feb.) | Kristin Settle |
Family Dinner Night | Mary Braun |
5th Grade Celebration | ____________________ |
Fall Fundraiser | Aleks Skibicki |
Fun Fair | Paula Sibila and Angel Barylski |
Fun Run/Walk (Oct.) | Colleen Thiel |
Health/Nurse's Station | Karen Hickey |
High Interest Day | Christine Michalski |
Highlighter Board | Jessica Anaya |
Ice Cream Social | Paula Sibila and Aleks Skibicki |
Market Day | Angie Latus |
Olympic Day | HV Staff |
Phone Book | Aleks Skibicki |
Publishing Center | Lori Hanlon |
Read Me a Story Night | Alison Julien |
RIF | Alison Julien |
Sock Hop | Tammy Pogorzelski |
Spirit Days | ____________________ |
Spirit Wear | Kerry Kapocius |
Staff Appreciation Week | Amanda Kachikis |
Village Days Games | Jason Patzfahl |
Yearbook | ____________________ |
Website | Aleks Skibicki |
Welcome Back Breakfast | Aleks Skibicki |
Musical Lunches | Kathleen Skibicki |
Handy Helpers | ____________________ |