The PTO provides for programs designed to enhance each grade’s current curriculum, provides teachers with additional
materials not covered in the school’s budget, and hosts many family-fun and community events.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Highland View PTO:  Accidents happen...

Hello Highland View Families,

Accidents happen, and sometimes they even happen at school.  The PTO received a request from the office for  used size 4 through 7 pants, sweats and underwear for boys and girls (they have size 4 underwear for girls, but are in need of 5-7).

They try to keep a well stocked cabinet of spare clothes, but as the end of the year draws near, it's running low.  If you have anything for them, they would greatly appreciate it.  Just drop it off in the Highland View office when you can.

Thanks everyone!

Aleks Skibicki
Highland View PTO

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Highland View PTO:  Looking for you!

Hello Highland View Families!

I hope you had a chance to enjoy this amazing day.  How beautiful to see the sun again.  The flowers seem to appreciate it too.  Speaking of flowers, do you know what flowers grow on faces?  Two-lips!


1)  Moving on, the PTO is still looking for someone interested in volunteering to be PTO Treasurer next year.  The current treasurer has ensured a smooth transition, and will be available to help if needed.  If you're interested, or just have questions, reply to this email!

2)  The minutes for the April 20th meeting are now available on our website here.

4)  Know a great Highland View Volunteer?  There's only a little while left to send in a nomination letter for them to win this year's Bruce Paprocki Volunteer of Distinction award.  Send a letter with your name, the nominees name, and why you think they deserve the award to this email address, or to Mrs. Flater ASAP!

3)  Tickets for the Greendale Education Foundation "Celebration of Education" event held May 22nd at Boerner Botanical Gardens are now available.  Just reply to this email and I can get them to you.  They're the same price as previous years ($35 per ticket) and support the GEF which has provided over $300,000 in grants for Greendale schools, students, and teachers since 19999.

4)  If you're busy on May 22nd, you could instead find some friends and form a kickball team for the GEF First Annual Kickball Tournament August 8-9th during Village Days.  Teams can be 10-15 players, and are guaranteed at least 2 games.  Registration forms are available in the Highland View Office, or online here.   Registration is $200 per team before June 15th, and $220 after that.

Have a fantastic night!  See you at school!

Aleks Skibicki

PTO Minutes 4/20/2015

Highland View PTO
Minutes from Meeting on 4-20-2015

1)  Call to order at 6:02 in the Highland view Library
9 members in attendance
2)  Approved Agenda
3)  Approved Minutes from 3-9-2015 
4)  Treasurer’s Report was approved
      Treasurer passed along the amount of Battle of the Books reward certificates used.
5)  Grant Committee Report
· Mr. Bohlin $280.59
· 4th Grade Old World Wisconsin Trip $225
· Both request fit into the guidelines. The grant committee recommended approval of both. The PTO approved both. Mr. B was asked to make the purchase and submit receipt for reimbursement. He agreed.
6)  Bylaw Amendments
· Article III Section D approved by PTO
· Article V Section F was discussed and then approved by PTO
7)  Nominations Committee Report
· Additional Nominations requested
· Nominations committee is submitting a slate of:
Aleks Skibicki (Pres.), Chandra Comiskey (VP), Shawn Schlieve (Sec.), Cheryl Kelly (Treas.)
· Aleks was asked to seek a possible new treasurer; Cheryl Kelly has a smooth transition prepared if anyone is interested.
8)  Old Business
· Fun Fair there was not a representative from the committee. Both chairs will be stepping down next year. So we are looking for new energetic, idea-filled chairs for next year.
· It was stated that the raffle went a lot faster, possibly due to new method and less prizes. It was mentioned it seemed less congested, not necessarily due to lower attendance but possible less prize tables. All who attended had fun.
· Book Fair went well. Good Job!!
· Mrs. G Polar Plunge Expenses there was $46.77 remaining. PTO motioned to cover this addition. It was accepted.
9)  New Business
· High Interest Day. A discussion about possibly too many sports activities, it was decided it was ok. Tracy said there is not a need for waivers for the pet activity, and the hand massage is fine. There is still a need for a seamstress with a machine to help out. Aleks is checking with some seniors. Police participation is finalized. Fire department still needs to be finalized. Christine wasn’t sure if that would be too much as we already have two more activities then last year. It was decided it was not so she will call.  
· Staff Appreciation Week  A meeting Wednesday after school 3:30 p.m. A few ideas were brought up. Aleks will take to meeting.
· May fitness activity for the school, Panther tracks worked well last year. 300 children participated, prizes cost $160. Aleks will get the papers ready to do it again the year by April 30th.
· Healthy snacks for Badger testing PTO voted to allow $100 to purchase “cuties” for children before testing
· Nominations for Bruce Paprocki Volunteer Award being accepted
· Theresa West Scholarship Committee    Aleks will check with GHS guidance counselor for any applicants.
9b) Principal Report 
        4k Daddy day went well, looking forward to Mommy day May 8th
         Tornado drill was done statewide on Thursday now it is done for the year yaa!
         then the 5th grade
10)  Announcements
· School Garden Info Meeting Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Trophy will be presented
· GEF Celebration of Education May 22 tickets $35.00
· GEF Kickball Tournament
August 8 5th grade and below
August 9 parent/staff
$200 per team 10-20 players pamphlet of rules in office
PTO approved to pay for a staff team from Highland View

Alison B. mentioned the read and roll box is still missing.

Meeting Adjourned approximately at 7:15p.m.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Highland View PTO:  What's on the agenda tomorrow?

We have so much going on!

The weather must be getting worse.  In fact, I think the weatherman's expecting orangutans to fall from the sky--I heard him talking about Ape-ril showers!

Now that I have that out of my system, this meeting's a pretty important one, so I'd love to see you there.  We'll be talking about:

High Interest Day
Teacher Appreciation Week
A May fitness activity for the school
A classroom needs grant committee request
A proposal to provide healthy snacks to classes for testing days
Nominations for the Bruce Paprocki Volunteer award
Nominations for the PTO officer positions for next year
A couple PTO bylaw changes (that went home in backpack mail last month)

The meeting is at 6:00 in the Highland View Library.  Please attend if you can!


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Highland View PTO:  Needs Your Input!

Hello Highland View Families!

Welcome back from spring break!  Between the showers, I hope you get a chance to enjoy the sunshine.

Speaking of showers, we all know that April showers bring May flowers, but do you know what May flowers bring?


Which brings us to a couple places the PTO needs your input:

1)  Nominations!  The Bruce Paprocki Volunteer of Distinction Award deadline is approaching.  If you know a Highland View volunteer who's really making a difference, email a short letter with: their name, your name, and why you think they deserve the award.  You can send it to Mrs. Flater at  So far we only have a few nominations.  I know there have been more AWESOME Highland View volunteers than that!  All nominees along with the award recipient will be recognized at the Volunteer Appreciation breakfast at the end of the year.

2)  Nominations!  The Opportunity to nominate someone (or be nominated) to run for a PTO board position (President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary)  is right now.  If you're interested in taking on a more active role in the PTO let us know.  You can nominate yourself too!  If you know someone you think would be a good officer, pass that information along and we'll get in touch with the person too.  (If you prefer, we can even keep your name completely out of it!)  New ideas come with new people, so don't be shy if you think this is something you might be interested in.

3)  Garden time!  It's about time to clear out the Highland View Garden and get it growing for spring.  There'll be a Garden volunteer meeting next Wednesday (4/22) in the Library at 6:30.

That's all for the moment; see you soon!

Aleks Skibicki

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Highland View PTO:  Minutes from the March meeting

Highland View PTO
Minutes from meeting 3/9/15

Meeting called to order at 6:02PM in the Highland View Library
13 members present

1. Minutes of previous meeting (2/9) approved.

2. Treasurer’s report approved.  The next check from Target Redcard contributions won’t be received until Feb. 2016.

3. Old business:
RIF recent book distribution successful.  A new chairperson is needed for next year.  To make the job more manageable, an idea introduced was to divide the job into three separate chairs for the following events: 1) Read Me a Story Night, 2) Battle of the Books, & 3) Read & Roll game.

Parent-teacher conferences were a success.  Food was provided for teachers.  Parents appreciated having the option of kids watching the movie in the library.  Two parent volunteers are needed for this to work.

Stop sign report:
Double signs will be provided by the Village for the two Ramsey intersections.  Village is moving away from lit stop signs, citing concerns from neighbors about late night lights.  Lit lights at those intersections are also expensive, $6000 are needed for lit signs and these would only be provided if (all?) neighbors in the area of the stop sign approves.

4. New business
Fun Fair:
Paula reported that there is a 32 inch flat screen tv plus a tablet as part of the raffle.  Over 150 raffle items are set, including bikes.

High Interest Day:
Christine asked about pets being allowed; Tracy Flater would check.  Police and fire department participation still needs to finalized.  Sewing volunteer needed.  Nearly all the groups/presentations are set.

Bylaw amendments:
Amendments presented and considered.  Voting on the changes proposed to occur at the next general meeting on 4/20/2015.

Nominating committee set to look for new officers for next school year:
Chandra C., Megan M., & Aleks volunteered.

Sample Friday new item: kale chips-kids enjoyed trying something new.

Request for bus funding for 4th grade Biztown trip:
Tracy F. asked for half of the coach bus bill of $900.  Request of $450 approved unanimously.

Idea proposed for funding for food prepared by teacher Ms. G. since she was reported to have spent around $300 for the food spread that she and her mom prepared for the teachers.  The food was a thank you gesture after the funds raised for the Polar Plunge.

5. Principal’s time:
Black History month activities discussed. Each class made wonderful door decorations.  Other classes toured the building like a museum tour.  I-pads outside each door provided additional information.  Kids enjoyed the trivia questions.  Family passes to the art museum was raffled off from all the winners there were picked that submitted correct answers.

Read Across America was beginning which included theme days and trivia questions.  10 Dr. Suess books available for a classroom library.

PBIS focus will be on playground behavior.  There will be a game of the week that will included an ambassador who will promote the game.  There are for specific behavioral lessons for the students relating to positive behavior during recess time.