The PTO provides for programs designed to enhance each grade’s current curriculum, provides teachers with additional
materials not covered in the school’s budget, and hosts many family-fun and community events.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Highland View PTO:  Bonus Time for Highland View Runners and Walkers!

Hello Highland View Families!

Hi everyone!  Two quick special announcements:

1)  BONUS TIME!  Just for Highland View families, we've extended the Step Up to Better Health Fun Run deadline to get a t-shirt with your registration until Tuesday October 4th.  If your registration is sitting on the table at home, you still have a chance to turn it in.  (It's worth it just for the chance for your student to dunk Mrs. Flater, right?)  It's always a fun event, and a great way to support the school.

And, speaking of BONUS TIME, if you want to order extra Safe-Respectful-Responsible t-shirts for your student (or for you to match your student) there's still time to send that information to school.  The first shirt for your student is free (courtesy of the PTO) and any additional shirts are $10 each (checks payable to HVPTO.) Just let your student's teacher know the appropriate sizes to order for your family.

2)  The FUNdraiser starts today!  You should have received a packet and information in your student's take home folder today.  That fundraiser is the primary source for most of the PTO's projects at Highland View:  events, teacher grants, classroom supplies, recess supplies, awards and so much more!  Even the green take home folders your students use were paid for by the PTO, and ultimately from a fundraiser just like this.  So please join in.

We'll start our daily prize drawings on Wednesday, so as soon as you know your student has at least three items ordered, send the bottom part of the fundraiser letter to school and they'll have a chance at winning our daily prizes!

Just one note:  the letter that was paper clipped to the fundraiser envelope incorrectly stated that our school's online code was HIGH46.  The correct code is HIGH57. (You should have received a note that made that correction too, I'm just being doubly careful!)

Thanks so much for reading this far!

Aleks Skibicki

Monday, September 26, 2016

Highland View PTO:  Welcome!  Don't miss our most important email of the year!

How do you fix a broken Jack-o-Lantern?
With a pumpkin patch!
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Hello Highland View Families!

First of all:  Welcome to everyone who's new to the PTO this year.  (And based on how long it took me to type in all those email addresses, that's a bunch of you!)  

And to everyone reading this:  Thank you so much for getting involved and taking the opportunity to have a more active role in your student's education.  Study after study after study show that the more active and involved a student's parents are, the more successful that student will be.  So thanks from your students too--whether they know it or not!  It's going to be an awesome year, and it all starts now and it all starts with you.

Let's jump right in:

The Highland View PTO is a 100% volunteer organization and all of our projects are 100% volunteer operated, which, as I'm fond of saying, means we always need 100% more volunteers.  I've made a list of the various projects and programs already on the schedule for this year, and turned it into a Sign-Up Genius page.  Please (please?) check it out and sign up where you think you'd be interested in joining in!  There are so many different things to do in so many different activities and projects, there's truly something for everyone!

Go here to check out all the opportunities!

Don't forget to register for the Step Up To Better Health Fun Run!  Another registration form went home this weekend (but don't worry, you only need to register once!)  In addition to helping Highland View maintain its precious "Most Runners and Walkers" trophy for a second year in a row, every participant registered on or before October 1st gets a t-shirt (with this year's new design) and every registered Highland View student will get a chance to try to dunk Mrs. Flater in a dunk tank!  Every registered student will also get to decorate a picture with their name on a Step Up sneaker that'll be displayed around school.

Did you tell your students' t-shirt sizes to their teachers yet?  Every student gets a Highland View "Safe-Respectful-Responsible" shirt for free from the Highland View PTO.  You can also order any extras you want for $10 each, in kids sizes (if you want a spare) or in adult sizes (if you want to match.)  The shirts will be in a heather gray color, and the design will look generally like this:

I think that's about it for the moment.  Thanks for reading this far!  Once again though:  Please make sure to check out the Sign Up Page here, and see where you'd like to join in.  Also, thanks again for getting involved.  We'll see you at school!

Aleks Skibicki
P.S.  Don't forget to use the "Amazon Smile" button at the bottom of the email for all your online shopping.  It doesn't cost anything and Amazon sends a part of your purchase price to Highland View!
Copyright © 2016 Highland View PTO, All rights reserved.
When you joined the PTO we put you on our email list.

Our mailing address is:
Highland View PTO
5900S. 51st St.
Greendale, WI 53129

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Monday, September 12, 2016

Highland View PTO:  What all the cool kids are talking about!

What is the king of the school supplies?
The ruler!
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Hello Highland View Families!

What a great meeting! Thanks so much to everyone that came out to spend time with us today.  I am super looking forward to this year!

Here's what you need to know from our Super-Awesome-Fun-Time:

1)  Don't forget to go to Panda Express on 76th street for dinner tomorrow (Tuesday 9/13) and bring the flyer that came home in your student's take home folder.  (The purple flyer!)  The money raised from "Dine Out for Highland View" nights definitely helps us put on the programming we do throughout the year.

2)  Thanks go out to Erin N., for volunteering to help put together the lists for teachers to get their students' sizes for PBIS shirts.  I think we're getting out ahead of it this year so our Highland View family will be rocking their PBIS wear a lot sooner!

3)  The Step Up to Better Health Fun Run is coming up soon!  (10/23) Get your registration form in as soon as you can.  Let's see if Highland View can bring home the travelling trophy again this year!  Mrs. Flater has even volunteered to get dunked again!  Every participating student will get a chance to dunk her.  There's a new design for the shirts this year too, so don't miss it!  (This is the first time the design has ever been changed!) And speaking of shirts, can you help sort them on 10/19 or 10/20?  I'll pick them up from the Health Department on October 19th, and have to get them separated and sorted so kids can have them to wear to school on the 21st.  I would looooooooooooooooove some extra hands on that!  (And can work around your schedule.)

4)  Picture Day is September 20th, and we need you!  In order to make sure every portrait is picture perfect, we need help.  Duties can run from hairstyling for after-recess pictures, to bringing students to and from their classrooms to get their pictures taken.  Sign up for a shift (or two) here.

5)  Family Dinner Night is coming up soon too!  10/28 from 6:00-8:00 PM we'll need some help serving, setting up, cleaning up, and maybe even with the entertainment.  If you're able to come that night, and could chip in to help, please contact Kristin Settle at .  I promise she can find a job for you!

There's probably more, but if you read this far, you've earned a break!  Have a great night and see you at school!

Aleks Skibicki
P.S.  Don't forget to use the "Amazon Smile" button at the bottom of the email for all your online shopping.  It doesn't cost anything and Amazon sends a part of your purchase price to Highland View!
Copyright © 2016 Highland View PTO, All rights reserved.
When you joined the PTO we put you on our email list.

Our mailing address is:
Highland View PTO
5900S. 51st St.
Greendale, WI 53129

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Sunday, September 11, 2016

Highland View PTO:  Monday PTO Super Party Fun Time!

Hello Highland View Families!

It's that time again.  What time? Time for the first PTO Super Party Fun Time!  (We used to call them meetings, but this seems more accurate, right?)

Monday night (9/12) at 6:00 in the Highland View library we'll have our first meeting of the year.  There's a lot on the menu, but mostly it should fly by pretty quickly.  We have a few awesome events coming up--Family Dinner Fun Night and the Step Up To Better Health Fun Run in October, and the awesome and famous All the World event in November.

Remember, child care is available, so bring the kids if you want.

Have a great night, and I'll see you tomorrow! (I hope!)

Aleks Skibicki