The PTO provides for programs designed to enhance each grade’s current curriculum, provides teachers with additional
materials not covered in the school’s budget, and hosts many family-fun and community events.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Highland View PTO:  November?  Around here it's YES-vember!

Hello Highland View Families!

Thanks so much to everyone that came out tonight.  Here are a few important links and notes from the meeting!

1)  The All the World Event is coming up--there's still time to get involved!
I honestly can't say enough great things about Highland View's All the World event.  It's a highlight learning experience for everyone involved--kids and grown ups alike.  If you're new to Highland View, in a nutshell:  families are invited to share something that they are interested in from around the world.  That can be something from their own culture or heritage, or something they just enjoy from abroad.  It can be a display, a food, a performance, a craft, an activity, or anything else you can imagine.  Please please get in touch with Srta. Bradley to see how you can be a part of this experience!

2)  Fundraiser Item Pickup
From 3:00-6:00 PM Tuesday 11/24 is pick up time for your fundraiser orders.  It turns out that Highland View families are so amazingly amazing that there are way too many orders getting picked up for me to do it alone.  If you have some time that day, super-please sign up here to help out.

3)  Conference Childcare--Who wants to watch movies?
Same bat-day, different bat-channel--while I'm down in the gym sorting fundraiser orders with some super helpers, we need just a couple more folks to help watch kids up in the library while parents confer with teachers.  It's really very important for there to be more than one parent in the room in case one of the kids needs to go to their parents or leave the room for some reason.  Other than that, it's the easiest thing you can ever do to make teacher and parent lives soooooo much easier on conference day.  Sign up here to make a lot of people very happy!

4)  Teacher Wish Lists
An idea came up at the meeting today that sounded great!   A parent mentioned that before winter break, another school creates a "Teacher Wish List" book to give parents ideas for teacher holiday gifts.  Megan Mermal is taking charge of setting this up at Highland View.  Please get in touch with her if you're interested in helping!

Thanks for reading this far!  Have a great week!

The Highland View PTO

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