The PTO provides for programs designed to enhance each grade’s current curriculum, provides teachers with additional
materials not covered in the school’s budget, and hosts many family-fun and community events.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Highland View PTO:  December Delectation!

Hello Highland View Families!

What a delightful December meeting!  A bunch of good things came out at the meeting. (AWESOME!)  Here's a quick recap for those of you that couldn't make it:

1)  The report from the firm helping discover Greendale's Next Top Superintendent is available online.  A big thanks go out to all the Highland View families that participated in the process!

Here's the link to the report, if you're interested in reading it.

It gives a unique insight into how the Greendale school and village communities feel about our schools and the role and key attributes of the future superintendent.

2)  Since this year's fundraiser was a bit short of our goals, and of last year's results, a lot of good ideas for extra fundraisers and ways to re-invigorate the current one were also discussed.   Let me know if I'm missing anything:
Look into a different time frame
Look into other fundraising ideas
Color run
50/50 Raffle at events (Spring concert?)
Direct solicitation of donations (See attached image.)
Restaurant dinner fundraiser nights

Speaking of restaurant dinner fundraiser nights--I'd like to give a huge thanks to Mrs. Kleinowski!  She's working right this minute to start setting up a series of "Highland View Nights" at local restaurants!  It sounds like after years of dreaming, "Highland View Nights Out" are going to be a reality!  Thanks so much!   You're awesome!

3) Our January event, the Neon Dance Night (for all students 4K-5th grade) is approaching on January 29th.  If you'd like to offer Mrs. Hanlon early help,  her email address is

4)  Our March event is going to be brand new this year.  If you're interested in being part of the crew that creates the Highland View Science Fair/Learning Night/Brain Games/Knowledge Night in March, let's see when we can get together!  Mark what times you're available on the Doodle scheduler here and we'll schedule for when works for the most people.

5)  Speaking of new ideas, we've talked a lot about (re)starting a "Room Parent" program at Highland View.  It's time to get moving.  Some parents have already gotten a head start, so for anyone interested in being a part of creating a room parent program at Highland View:  here's a Doodle scheduler to let me know when you're available.  Depending on when most people can get together, we'll meet up and create an AMAZING program for our teachers, students, and families.

("But Aleks," you say,  "What in the world is a Room Parent?"  Email me and I can answer any questions!)

6)  February is African American History Month, and we'll be celebrating again at Highland View.  Let me know if any of you have ideas for African American History Month trivia prizes or activities!  (Be warned ahead of time though--I might ask you to take the lead on putting any suggestions into actiont!)

7)  We also officially decided to go ahead with a program to offer Highland View families the option to buy their school supplies pre-packed and delivered right to their homes.  If you're interested in how the prepackaged school supplies online ordering would look, here's a demonstration site.  (Don't order anything from there though--that's not our school!)

Thanks again everyone!  If I don't see you between now and the next meeting--Happy Holidays!

Aleks Skibicki
Highland View PTO

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