The PTO provides for programs designed to enhance each grade’s current curriculum, provides teachers with additional
materials not covered in the school’s budget, and hosts many family-fun and community events.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Highland View PTO: Thanks, Thanksgiving, and 2 Reminders!

Hello Highland View Families!

First:  Thanks to so many of you for your help with the All the World Festival!  It was amazing.  There were more families sharing more food and crafts and culture than ever before!  You are AMAZING!

Second:  Happy Thanksgiving!

Third:  Don't forget the order pickup for the school fundraiser is Tuesday from 3:30-6:00.  If you can't make it, please find someone and give them written authorization to pick up your order.  If that is absolutely impossible, contact me at 423-1224 or and we can work out some alternative arrangement.  Also, if you're available, we can definitely use the extra help distributing the orders.  Getting set up starts at 2:30 so any time between 2:30-6:00 we can use your help.

Fourth:  Also don't forget, if you have conferences Tuesday evening, the PTO is once again showing educational TV shows (Wild Kratts, etc.) in the library so you don't have to find a sitter just for the conference.

Have a great break!

Aleks Skibicki
Pres. Highland View PTO

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Fun Fair Freshening Committee Minutes

Fun Fair Freshening Committee

1) Meeting was called to order at 3:38

2)  Approve/amend agenda
Agenda was approved with amendments: “Arrangement/Layout” under miscellaneous was added to the initial agenda, a discussion of food offerings, and discussion of face painting were also added.

3)  Drawings
     A)  Less prizes/consolidated prizes
After discussion the group agreed to limit prizes to 150 total (down from 268 last year.)  If more prizes are donated, they will be grouped to stay at or below 150 total.
     B)  Staggered drawings
Drawings will be done throughout the evening.  (6:30 #1-40, 7:00 #41-80, 7:30 #81-120, 8:00 #121-150) with prize "quality" going up through the night.  Tickets will be sold all night.  Winners will be announced and will be posted in a visible place.  Hopefully this reduces the wait at the end of the night, and reduces congestion in the games area since some kids will come in to hear the drawings.
     C)  Classroom prizes (per GMS)
Having classrooms each make a basket was left for future Fun Fairs.

4)  Games
     A)  Type
Focus will be on games that are fast.  (For example, the “Stand up the Bottle” game will not be making a return appearance.)
     B)  Number
While it might be nice to add games to reduce lines, space for games is limited, and we have it just about filled up.
     C)  Prizes
Decision to stick with Fun Services prizes, cost-wise it makes sense.

5)  Miscellaneous
     A)  Arrangement/Layout
A few layout issues were considered.  To keep prizes secure, keeping the drawings in the gym is the best choice, so the games will have to stay in the halls.

Barricades will be requested from Fun Services, or found from some other local group to block off the drawing area.

Drawings will be done from the stage, not the floor.

We will look into finding a wireless microphone to use.

     B)  Face Painting
We’ll also look into a second (or third) face painter to reduce that line time as well.  We’ll see if there are any talented parents that can do that.  We’ll also limit the face painting to a specific menu of simpler designs.  Face painting will also be $1 this year.
     C)  Food
We'll continue the food as before.  We'll make sure cookies are 1-layer and not double (like the mustache cookies last year.)

6)  Schedule followup
We’ll schedule followup as needed.  But it seems like everything is pretty straightforward and can be accomplished by the Fun Fair committee directly.

7)  Adjourn
Meeting was adjourned at 4:14 PM.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Highland View PTO: Information from the meeting last night

Hello Highland View Families!

Thanks to everyone who came to our meeting last night.  Here is just a quick followup to some of the things we discussed.

1)  Minutes from the meeting are available online here, if you want to review them.

2)  The people who signed up to be part of the "Fun Fair Freshening" committee will be meeting Wednesday 11/12/2014 after school in the Library.  The meeting is open, so if you have new ideas you'd like to put into action at the Fun Fair, you're invited too.

3)  DO NOT FORGET the fundraiser pickup is 11/25 3:30-6:00  in the Highland View gym.  If you had a fundraiser order, come pick it up then and there!

4)  The All the World Festival is this Friday 6:00-8:00.  Be there!  It's shaping up to be the biggest and best one ever!

5)  We still need a parent or two to watch movies and kids from 4:00-6:00 during conferences on Tuesday 11/25.  Sign up here (please!)

Have a great day!

Aleks Skibicki

Meeting Minutes 11/10/2014

Highland View PTO

The meeting was called to order at 6:03 PM with 10 members present

The meeting started with a presentation from FACT students at Greendale High School warning about the dangers of ecigarettes and other vaporizing nicotine delivery systems.  These are being marketed to youth, and have very little regulation and oversight because of how new they are. 

1)  Welcome

2)  Review Minutes from 10/13/2014
Minutes were reviewed, and a motion to approve was made or seconded.  Mrs. Flater pointed out that her only objection to the PTO providing funds for the volunteer breakfast was that the breakfast was to thank volunteers—like the PTO.  Without further discussion the motion passed on a voice vote.

3)  Treasurers Report
Mrs. Kelly presented the income/expense report from the last month, and a motion to approve was made and seconded. The balance is deceptively high because large checks will be sent to Market Day and Club’s Choice to cover Fundraiser Costs.  Mrs. Weber asked to include teachers in Art To Remember next year.  Without further discussion the motion passed on a voice vote.

4)  New Business
Sample Day:  This Friday is the second “Sample Day” at Highland View for students during lunch and will feature roast pumpkin seeds.  A request was made for parents to help serve.  Mrs. Latus has already volunteered, Mrs. Flater, Mrs. Schlieve, and Mrs. Kelly also volunteered to help.  Arrive at school 20 minutes before lunch starts (11:20 for an 11:40 lunch start) and stay until all students are served, (12:30).
All the World Festival:  Participation, after an initial scare, is higher than ever before.  Should be a great event.  Could still use parents to help in the craft room, or as supervisors/general helpers.

5)  Past Events
Family Dinner Night:  Thanks to Mary Braun, this was a great event again.  Came out between $300-$400 ahead, and everyone had a good time. 
Fun Run/Walk:  While not enough to win the participation trophy, HV participation was up by 20% this year, another record for the school.  It does look like some sort of fun run will happen again next year.
Art to Remember:  Orders are being made right now, should be available soon.
Conference Dinners:  Big success again, and very appreciated by teachers.  Food amount seemed appropriate.
Conference Movie Room for Kids:  Also a big success.  Parents and teachers appreciated it.  Still need volunteers from 4:00-6:00 for 11/25 conferences.
Fall Fundraiser:  Pickup date is 11/25 after school.  Make sure to mark it on your calendars.
Market Day Pie Sale:  Raised $524.00.  Big success, more than Mrs. Latus expected!
Cheese Sample Day:  Went great.  Kids really liked it, and talked about it for days afterward.

6)  Principal Time
Mrs. Flater thanked the PTO for the conference time dinners and shared a photo of the whole school gathered in their green PBIS shirts for the PBIS assembly.  The kids played Panther Pride Jeopardy and had a lot of fun reminding themselves of the school rules.
Mrs. Flater asked if there was any objection to using the money earmarked for “Assemblies” for the Latin Dance Instruction program and Florentine Opera Programs this year.  No objections were offered. 
Mrs. Flater noted that elections were the previous week.  They were highly staffed, but still caused some confusion and disruption as children flowed through and past the voter door.  Mr. Patzfahl noted he participated in a tour of the schools with Trustee Birmingham and Superintendent Tharp during voting, and that they were able to see some of the disruption firsthand.

7)  Announcements
Fun Fair Freshining Committee will meet Wednesday 11/12 after school to start putting changes into place to freshen it up.
Crossing guard Sal (51st and Ramsey) is retiring after a long time at Highland View.  Motion was made and seconded to approve $25 to purchase a gift for Sal.  Motion passed on a voice vote.  Mr. Patzfahl was assigned to purchase the gift.  Mrs. Flater will coordinate a gift from the students as well.
This year’s first RIF distribution will be 12/15.

8)  Adjournment
Motion to adjourn was made and seconded.  Without further discussion the motion passed on a voice vote.  Meeting was adjourned at 6:58 PM.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Highland View PTO: Thanks! And a reminder...

Hello Highland View Families!

How great do those PBIS shirts look this year?  The kids seemed so excited to get them and I'm so glad the PTO does that for the students!  But on to the big news:

Thanks so much to everyone who signed up to help at the All the World Festival!  We are set to have the biggest one ever this year!  I can't wait until Friday!  But until then...

Don't forget our November meeting is this Monday, 11/10 at 6:00 in the Highland View Library.  In addition to usual business, Teens Against Tobacco Use and FACT at Greendale High School, in cooperation with the Greendale Health Department will be presenting the results of their research into the dangers and perceptions of several new nicotine delivery systems among our grade school students.  The agenda is online here.  The Minutes from the last meeting are online here for review.

We're also putting out the call for a couple parents to help hand out roasted pumpkin seeds this Friday (11/14) to our Highland View students at lunch as part of the Greendale Food Services "Sample Days."  Please let me know if you can help.  Volunteers would be needed from about 11:10-12:30.

Finally, the movie room for students was a big hit during conferences again--between the two days dozens of students took part, saving many parents the hassle of finding babysitters during conferences and made conferences so much easier for teachers too.  Sadly, we might not be able to offer that service for conferences on 11/25.  No parent has signed up to be in the room that night, and I have to work with the fundraiser pickup downstairs in the gym.  If you can stick around Highland View for a little while on 11/25 just watching kids shows in the library, it makes a real difference to a lot of parents and a lot of teachers.  Please sign up here.

Thanks again, and see you soon!

Aleks Skibicki

November 10th, 2014 Meeting Agenda

1) Welcome

2) Review Minutes, October 13,2014  2 Minutes

3) Treasurer’s Report     (3 Minutes)

4) New Business     (20 Minutes)  

  • TATU (Teens Against Tobacco Use) and FACT Presentation
  • Sample Day 11/14/14
  • All The World Fest 11/14/14   
5) Past Events      (5 Minutes)

  • Family Dinner Night
  • Fun Run Walk
  • Cheese Sample Day
  • Art To Remember
  • Conference Dinners
  • Conference Movie Room
  • Fall Fundraiser
  • Pie Sale
7)  Principal’s Time     (5 Minutes)

October 13, 2014 Meeting Minutes

Highland View PTO
October 13,2014

13 individuals were in attendance.

Aleks Skibicki welcomed members and asked everyone to introduce themselves.

Added Fun Fair to the Agenda

The minutes of September 22, 2014 were approved.

The treasurer’s report was approved.

Grant Committe:
The Grant Committee met and established some guidelines on how the applications will be received and reviewed.  All Applications must be turned in by the 1st of each month to the school Principal.  A line item was added to 2014/2015 PTO Budget titled “Assemblies” for $1500.00 and the line item “Grants” was renamed to “Classroom Needs Grants”.  For more information on The Grant Committee refer to their minutes and Report dated 10/08/2014.

2014/2015 Budget Approval:  The Budget was approved for 2014/2015 school year.  The budget has five new line items. Assemblies, Field Trip Buses, Black History Month, Fitness Park and Rec Certificates and Classroom Needs Grants.  We also approved a sixth new line item for $150 for the Volunteer Breakfast.  Mrs. Flater was the only one present who was opposed to this.

Fundraiser for local restaurants:  PTO V.P.  Chandra is researching possible new fundraising opportunities with local restaurants.  The PTO would receive a percentage of the restaurants sales on a specified dates.

Art To Remember: Art to remember order forms will be going home with students the week of 10/20/14.  The order forms will be personalized with each childs art work.  You can also place orders on-line.  Deadline will be 10/27/2014.

Volunteer needed for Conferences: Looking for parent volunteers to sit with the children who choose to watch a movie during conferences. Possibly the High School honor students would be willing to do this?  Kristen Settle reported the conference dinner is all set just looking for two volunteers to help clean up.

Bruce Poprocki Volunteer Award: Nominations are being accepted anytime throughout the year.  Just submit a letter to the committee.

School Carpool:  This would need to be  parent run and not the responsibility of the school.  Some activities will have sign-up sheets or some use social media sites such as Facebook.  There is also a carpool app that can be downloaded .

Fun Fair:  The fun fair scored very low on last years survey. The event did not make a profit last year.  The group threw out some suggestions on how to maybe change up the event a little. Some suggestions were fewer raffle items, classroom baskets, Wrtten prize drawings.   The chairs of the fun fair will meet with Tracy,Stacie and Shawn in a small group for further discussion and are looking for new people to shadow them for the chair positions.

Current Projects

Family Dinner Night:  Lots of volunteers to bring in soups, milk and rolls and cupcakes.  The magician has been contacted and will have a different end to the show from last year’s guillotine act.  Ticket purchases are starting to come in.

Walk /Run to Better Health:  Shirts should be coming home with students this week.  Highland Views basket has a handmade blanket, and lots of admirals items.  Chick Fil-A is giving out free sandwich coupons.  The Chick Fil-A Cow will be racing the Panther.  Looks like we are going to have a great turn out.

All The World Fest: Senorita Bradley had flyers go out last week for families interested in having a table at the fest.  We will have some representatives present from other schools in Greendale that are interested in seeing how the event is run.  It may be nice to invite the school board members to attend the event.

Principal’s Time:  PBIS- 20 children pulled, prizes were Technology party, Fine dining, extra recess etc…  if you are interested in donating items for the fine dining table such as silk flowers, table clothes or other center pieces. These items can be brought right to the school office.

Fire drills have been done twice.

Signup genius have been sent out by teachers for conferences.  There will be no conference on 11/26/14 they have been moved to 11/25/14 4pm to 8 pm.
Next PTO Meeting will be in November 10, 2014.

Meeting Conclusion
The meeting was adjourned.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Highland View PTO: We need you! (Really especially much!)

Highland View Families,

We need you.

In two weeks, on Friday November 14th from 6:00-8:00, Highland View is hosting its third annual All the World Festival showcasing the diverse heritage and cultures that make up our school family.  This is an event that's unique to our school, and has been praised by members of the entire Greendale School District--from the school board, to district administration, to the principals of our other schools.

But without your help, it just can't happen.  So far only six families have signed up to help Senorita Bradley and the PTO at the event.

No matter where your family came from, or where you are now, our Highland View students would love to learn more about it.  Does your family participate in any traditions, or events that you could show off to our students?  Would your student like to teach everyone else a little about their heritage?  You can participate to any level you feel comfortable.

Students have made table displays or brought in family crafts and foods.  Families have created displays both simple and elaborate, and some families have even shared dances and songs from around the world with our students.  No matter what you can share, and no matter how you would like to share it, please help show off the rich tapestry we all are a part of at this year's All the World Festival.

For details or questions on how you can help please (PLEASE) contact  Senorita Bradley at

Even if you don't want to make a display, volunteers are needed in the craft room and several other places through the evening.