Highland View PTO
October 13,2014
13 individuals were in attendance.
Aleks Skibicki welcomed members and asked everyone to introduce themselves.
Added Fun Fair to the Agenda
The minutes of September 22, 2014 were approved.
The treasurer’s report was approved.
Grant Committe:
The Grant Committee met and established some guidelines on how the applications will be received and reviewed. All Applications must be turned in by the 1st of each month to the school Principal. A line item was added to 2014/2015 PTO Budget titled “Assemblies” for $1500.00 and the line item “Grants” was renamed to “Classroom Needs Grants”. For more information on The Grant Committee refer to their minutes and Report dated 10/08/2014.
2014/2015 Budget Approval: The Budget was approved for 2014/2015 school year. The budget has five new line items. Assemblies, Field Trip Buses, Black History Month, Fitness Park and Rec Certificates and Classroom Needs Grants. We also approved a sixth new line item for $150 for the Volunteer Breakfast. Mrs. Flater was the only one present who was opposed to this.
Fundraiser for local restaurants: PTO V.P. Chandra is researching possible new fundraising opportunities with local restaurants. The PTO would receive a percentage of the restaurants sales on a specified dates.
Art To Remember: Art to remember order forms will be going home with students the week of 10/20/14. The order forms will be personalized with each childs art work. You can also place orders on-line. Deadline will be 10/27/2014.
Volunteer needed for Conferences: Looking for parent volunteers to sit with the children who choose to watch a movie during conferences. Possibly the High School honor students would be willing to do this? Kristen Settle reported the conference dinner is all set just looking for two volunteers to help clean up.
Bruce Poprocki Volunteer Award: Nominations are being accepted anytime throughout the year. Just submit a letter to the committee.
School Carpool: This would need to be parent run and not the responsibility of the school. Some activities will have sign-up sheets or some use social media sites such as Facebook. There is also a carpool app that can be downloaded .
Fun Fair: The fun fair scored very low on last years survey. The event did not make a profit last year. The group threw out some suggestions on how to maybe change up the event a little. Some suggestions were fewer raffle items, classroom baskets, Wrtten prize drawings. The chairs of the fun fair will meet with Tracy,Stacie and Shawn in a small group for further discussion and are looking for new people to shadow them for the chair positions.
Current Projects
Family Dinner Night: Lots of volunteers to bring in soups, milk and rolls and cupcakes. The magician has been contacted and will have a different end to the show from last year’s guillotine act. Ticket purchases are starting to come in.
Walk /Run to Better Health: Shirts should be coming home with students this week. Highland Views basket has a handmade blanket, and lots of admirals items. Chick Fil-A is giving out free sandwich coupons. The Chick Fil-A Cow will be racing the Panther. Looks like we are going to have a great turn out.
All The World Fest: Senorita Bradley had flyers go out last week for families interested in having a table at the fest. We will have some representatives present from other schools in Greendale that are interested in seeing how the event is run. It may be nice to invite the school board members to attend the event.
Principal’s Time: PBIS- 20 children pulled, prizes were Technology party, Fine dining, extra recess etc… if you are interested in donating items for the fine dining table such as silk flowers, table clothes or other center pieces. These items can be brought right to the school office.
Fire drills have been done twice.
Signup genius have been sent out by teachers for conferences. There will be no conference on 11/26/14 they have been moved to 11/25/14 4pm to 8 pm.
Next PTO Meeting will be in November 10, 2014.
Meeting Conclusion
The meeting was adjourned.
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