The PTO provides for programs designed to enhance each grade’s current curriculum, provides teachers with additional
materials not covered in the school’s budget, and hosts many family-fun and community events.

Grant Committee Minutes

Highland View Grant Committee
Minutes and Report

Called to Order 5:50 PM, Highland View Library
Members present:  Kristi Settle (KS)  Chandra Comiskey (CC)  Cheryl Kelly (CK) Aleks Skibicki (AS) Tracy Flater (TF)

1)  New Business
4th Grade Old World Wisconsin Trip Assistance
CK asked whether the bus money is still available or being used.  TF will make sure, but based on cost, it likely is factored in.
Mr. Bohlin Math Workshop classroom materials
Agreed that it definitely fit in the PTO Grant guidelines

CC:  Move for recommend approval of both grants
CK: 2nd
Motion passed on a voice vote

TF:  Move to adjourn 
CC:  2nd
Motion passed on a voice vote
Meeting adjourned

Highland View Grant Committee
Minutes and Report

Meeting is called to order at 5:30 PM
Present:  Tracy Flater (TF) Aleks Skibicki (AS) Chandra Comiskey (CC) Kristin Settle (KS)

1)  Grant Request from Mrs. Bertling for $250 to buy new art books for the art room.
Committee voted to recommend full funding for the grant.  Felt the art room books were neglected, and that special subject teachers were left off the "Teacher Wish List" boards at book fairs and didn't have the same opportunities to renew their libraries.  

In addition to funding the grant, the committee voted to recommend adding special subject teachers to the "Teacher Wish List" board at future book fairs.

Highland View Grant Committee
Minutes and Report

Meeting is called to order at 4:03 PM
Present:  Tracy Flater (TF), Kristin Settle (KS), Aleks Skibicki (AS), Cheryl Kelly (CK), Chandra Comiskey (CC), Jessica Bradley (JB) arrived at 4:31.

1)  Draft grant guidelines
The committee discussed whether money should be designated for specific time periods.  Consensus decision was reached to not set any timetable for the funds, and have the money available until it runs out.

The committee also discussed restrictions on the purposes of the grants.  Consensus decision was reached to restrict grants, and rename the item “Classroom Needs Grants.”  Furthermore, the committee will recommend creating a $1,500 “Assemblies” line item in the budget to be granted directly to the school and to be used at the direction of the principal to fund school assemblies.  The committee will also recommend creating a “Field Trips” account for each classroom to pay for bus transportation.  CK to determine an amount based on transportation costs.

The committee also discussed the grant application process.  Consensus decision was reached for all applications to be due by the first of each calendar month, and to be turned in initially to the school principal to ensure no duplication of funding for programs the school may already be funding itself.

The committee also discussed whether unfunded grants could reconsidered if the committee chose.  Consensus decision was reached to allow unfounded grants to be reconsidered if the committee decided there was reason.

Finally the committee discussed placing dollar caps on grant requests.  Consensus decision was reached to not place explicit limits on grants; to address each grant on an individual basis.

2)  Grant applications

A)  Latin Dance Program (see attached)
This program will be a part of the curriculum for Spanish, and will also connect to PE and the 4th and 5th grade curriculums.
Some discussion concerning the survey response from students about the program last year.  Ms. Bradley noted they would use a new teacher this year, and that last year’s 4th graders (this year’s 5th graders) were more interested in the program than the 5th graders last year.  Significant difference in enthusiasm level.
The committee discussed whether this would be an assembly, and decided that it would, and would therefore be more appropriately paid for by the principal through the proposed “Assemblies” money given the school for the 2014-2015 year.

B)  Florentine Opera Production (see attached)
The committee discussed whether this would be an assembly, and decided that it would, and would therefore be more appropriately paid for by the principal through the proposed “Assemblies” money given the shool for the 2014-2015 year.

C)  Revisit the laminator grant
The committee discussed whether removing assemblies from the grant pool would free up funds to complete the grant request for laminator pouches and materials that had been considered at the previous PTO meeting.
Consensus decision was reached to recommend approval of additional $105 for laminator pouches and supplies.

Report Summary:

Grant Approval Guideines
1)  Grants should be to fill specific classroom needs which otherwise would go unfilled or would be paid for from teacher’s personal money.
2)  The money will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.
3)  Applications must be turned in by the first of the calendar month in which they will be considered.  The grant committee will meet between the first of the month and the scheduled PTO meeting for that month to determine recommendations.  The PTO has the option to act on those recommendations.
4)  Applications must be turned in to the school principal.
5)  Unfunded grants may be reconsidered by the grant committee at future meetings.

Grant committee recommendations
1)  Create a $1,500 budget item granted directly to the school to fund assemblies at the principal’s discretion.
2)  Create a budget line item to fund bus transportation for each classroom for field trips during the school year.  CK to research amount.
3)  Recommend approval of additional $105 to completely fund the laminator grant considered at the 9/22 PTO meeting.


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