What a February!
Just a quick reminder of a few things coming up:
1) The Greendale Education Foundation "Cheers for Education" food and beverage pairing event tomorrow (Friday 2/27)
The Education Foundation does a lot for Highland View, to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars of support over the last 15 years. Here's a great chance to thank them for their support. Food (a lot!) and beverages will be provided by local businesses. The event runs from 6-8 PM in the Greendale library/Community Learning Center. Tickets are $35 apiece, and are available at the door, or at the Greendale School District office below and behind GHS.
2) The Black History Month trivia contest is wrapping up. There's only one more chance to get your correct answer turned in to be entered to win a family pass to the Milwaukee Art Museum. Answers are due in the bucket by the office before school starts tomorrow. Congratulations to all our winners so far. You can find today's question here. You can find all the previous questions (and answers) here, at the PTO website. Make sure to ask your student about who or what they researched for their classroom's door decoration to see what else they've learned.
3) Don't forget the Fun Fair! It's coming up soon, Friday March 13th. You know it'll be fun, because that's its name!
4) If you have a hobby or interest you'd like to share with our Highland View students, don't forget to contact Mrs. Michalski ( christine.c.michalski@ehi.com ) about High Interest Day. I almost think it's more fun for the parents doing the sessions than for the kids in them. (And the kids do have a lot of fun!)
See you at school!
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