The PTO provides for programs designed to enhance each grade’s current curriculum, provides teachers with additional
materials not covered in the school’s budget, and hosts many family-fun and community events.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Meeting Agenda December 8th, 2014

1) Welcome, Call to Order, Approve Agenda

2) Review Minutes, November 10th, 2014     2 Minutes

3) Treasurer’s Report    3 Minutes

4) New Business     20 Minutes
Sock Hop (1/30)
RIF Book Give Away (12/15)
Flashing Stop Sign Request
Winter Concert

5) Past Events     5 Minutes
All the World Event
Art To Remember

7)  Principal’s Time      5 Minutes

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Highland View PTO: Monday! Monday! Monday! (Meeting)

Hello Highland View Families!

Just a quick reminder that our December meeting is coming up on Monday December 8th.  We have the upcoming Sock Hop on the agenda, as well as this year's first RIF book give-away (which is coming up super soon--Decmber 15th!).

If you want your student's original artwork from the Art-To-Remember sale, we'll have those available for pick up at the December and January meetings too.

And of course, we're always looking for ideas, so we'd love to hear from you.  The teacher whose class has the most parents in attendance also wins a prize, so let's see if your class can bring it home in December!

See you Monday

Monday, November 24, 2014

Highland View PTO: Thanks, Thanksgiving, and 2 Reminders!

Hello Highland View Families!

First:  Thanks to so many of you for your help with the All the World Festival!  It was amazing.  There were more families sharing more food and crafts and culture than ever before!  You are AMAZING!

Second:  Happy Thanksgiving!

Third:  Don't forget the order pickup for the school fundraiser is Tuesday from 3:30-6:00.  If you can't make it, please find someone and give them written authorization to pick up your order.  If that is absolutely impossible, contact me at 423-1224 or and we can work out some alternative arrangement.  Also, if you're available, we can definitely use the extra help distributing the orders.  Getting set up starts at 2:30 so any time between 2:30-6:00 we can use your help.

Fourth:  Also don't forget, if you have conferences Tuesday evening, the PTO is once again showing educational TV shows (Wild Kratts, etc.) in the library so you don't have to find a sitter just for the conference.

Have a great break!

Aleks Skibicki
Pres. Highland View PTO

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Fun Fair Freshening Committee Minutes

Fun Fair Freshening Committee

1) Meeting was called to order at 3:38

2)  Approve/amend agenda
Agenda was approved with amendments: “Arrangement/Layout” under miscellaneous was added to the initial agenda, a discussion of food offerings, and discussion of face painting were also added.

3)  Drawings
     A)  Less prizes/consolidated prizes
After discussion the group agreed to limit prizes to 150 total (down from 268 last year.)  If more prizes are donated, they will be grouped to stay at or below 150 total.
     B)  Staggered drawings
Drawings will be done throughout the evening.  (6:30 #1-40, 7:00 #41-80, 7:30 #81-120, 8:00 #121-150) with prize "quality" going up through the night.  Tickets will be sold all night.  Winners will be announced and will be posted in a visible place.  Hopefully this reduces the wait at the end of the night, and reduces congestion in the games area since some kids will come in to hear the drawings.
     C)  Classroom prizes (per GMS)
Having classrooms each make a basket was left for future Fun Fairs.

4)  Games
     A)  Type
Focus will be on games that are fast.  (For example, the “Stand up the Bottle” game will not be making a return appearance.)
     B)  Number
While it might be nice to add games to reduce lines, space for games is limited, and we have it just about filled up.
     C)  Prizes
Decision to stick with Fun Services prizes, cost-wise it makes sense.

5)  Miscellaneous
     A)  Arrangement/Layout
A few layout issues were considered.  To keep prizes secure, keeping the drawings in the gym is the best choice, so the games will have to stay in the halls.

Barricades will be requested from Fun Services, or found from some other local group to block off the drawing area.

Drawings will be done from the stage, not the floor.

We will look into finding a wireless microphone to use.

     B)  Face Painting
We’ll also look into a second (or third) face painter to reduce that line time as well.  We’ll see if there are any talented parents that can do that.  We’ll also limit the face painting to a specific menu of simpler designs.  Face painting will also be $1 this year.
     C)  Food
We'll continue the food as before.  We'll make sure cookies are 1-layer and not double (like the mustache cookies last year.)

6)  Schedule followup
We’ll schedule followup as needed.  But it seems like everything is pretty straightforward and can be accomplished by the Fun Fair committee directly.

7)  Adjourn
Meeting was adjourned at 4:14 PM.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Highland View PTO: Information from the meeting last night

Hello Highland View Families!

Thanks to everyone who came to our meeting last night.  Here is just a quick followup to some of the things we discussed.

1)  Minutes from the meeting are available online here, if you want to review them.

2)  The people who signed up to be part of the "Fun Fair Freshening" committee will be meeting Wednesday 11/12/2014 after school in the Library.  The meeting is open, so if you have new ideas you'd like to put into action at the Fun Fair, you're invited too.

3)  DO NOT FORGET the fundraiser pickup is 11/25 3:30-6:00  in the Highland View gym.  If you had a fundraiser order, come pick it up then and there!

4)  The All the World Festival is this Friday 6:00-8:00.  Be there!  It's shaping up to be the biggest and best one ever!

5)  We still need a parent or two to watch movies and kids from 4:00-6:00 during conferences on Tuesday 11/25.  Sign up here (please!)

Have a great day!

Aleks Skibicki

Meeting Minutes 11/10/2014

Highland View PTO

The meeting was called to order at 6:03 PM with 10 members present

The meeting started with a presentation from FACT students at Greendale High School warning about the dangers of ecigarettes and other vaporizing nicotine delivery systems.  These are being marketed to youth, and have very little regulation and oversight because of how new they are. 

1)  Welcome

2)  Review Minutes from 10/13/2014
Minutes were reviewed, and a motion to approve was made or seconded.  Mrs. Flater pointed out that her only objection to the PTO providing funds for the volunteer breakfast was that the breakfast was to thank volunteers—like the PTO.  Without further discussion the motion passed on a voice vote.

3)  Treasurers Report
Mrs. Kelly presented the income/expense report from the last month, and a motion to approve was made and seconded. The balance is deceptively high because large checks will be sent to Market Day and Club’s Choice to cover Fundraiser Costs.  Mrs. Weber asked to include teachers in Art To Remember next year.  Without further discussion the motion passed on a voice vote.

4)  New Business
Sample Day:  This Friday is the second “Sample Day” at Highland View for students during lunch and will feature roast pumpkin seeds.  A request was made for parents to help serve.  Mrs. Latus has already volunteered, Mrs. Flater, Mrs. Schlieve, and Mrs. Kelly also volunteered to help.  Arrive at school 20 minutes before lunch starts (11:20 for an 11:40 lunch start) and stay until all students are served, (12:30).
All the World Festival:  Participation, after an initial scare, is higher than ever before.  Should be a great event.  Could still use parents to help in the craft room, or as supervisors/general helpers.

5)  Past Events
Family Dinner Night:  Thanks to Mary Braun, this was a great event again.  Came out between $300-$400 ahead, and everyone had a good time. 
Fun Run/Walk:  While not enough to win the participation trophy, HV participation was up by 20% this year, another record for the school.  It does look like some sort of fun run will happen again next year.
Art to Remember:  Orders are being made right now, should be available soon.
Conference Dinners:  Big success again, and very appreciated by teachers.  Food amount seemed appropriate.
Conference Movie Room for Kids:  Also a big success.  Parents and teachers appreciated it.  Still need volunteers from 4:00-6:00 for 11/25 conferences.
Fall Fundraiser:  Pickup date is 11/25 after school.  Make sure to mark it on your calendars.
Market Day Pie Sale:  Raised $524.00.  Big success, more than Mrs. Latus expected!
Cheese Sample Day:  Went great.  Kids really liked it, and talked about it for days afterward.

6)  Principal Time
Mrs. Flater thanked the PTO for the conference time dinners and shared a photo of the whole school gathered in their green PBIS shirts for the PBIS assembly.  The kids played Panther Pride Jeopardy and had a lot of fun reminding themselves of the school rules.
Mrs. Flater asked if there was any objection to using the money earmarked for “Assemblies” for the Latin Dance Instruction program and Florentine Opera Programs this year.  No objections were offered. 
Mrs. Flater noted that elections were the previous week.  They were highly staffed, but still caused some confusion and disruption as children flowed through and past the voter door.  Mr. Patzfahl noted he participated in a tour of the schools with Trustee Birmingham and Superintendent Tharp during voting, and that they were able to see some of the disruption firsthand.

7)  Announcements
Fun Fair Freshining Committee will meet Wednesday 11/12 after school to start putting changes into place to freshen it up.
Crossing guard Sal (51st and Ramsey) is retiring after a long time at Highland View.  Motion was made and seconded to approve $25 to purchase a gift for Sal.  Motion passed on a voice vote.  Mr. Patzfahl was assigned to purchase the gift.  Mrs. Flater will coordinate a gift from the students as well.
This year’s first RIF distribution will be 12/15.

8)  Adjournment
Motion to adjourn was made and seconded.  Without further discussion the motion passed on a voice vote.  Meeting was adjourned at 6:58 PM.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Highland View PTO: Thanks! And a reminder...

Hello Highland View Families!

How great do those PBIS shirts look this year?  The kids seemed so excited to get them and I'm so glad the PTO does that for the students!  But on to the big news:

Thanks so much to everyone who signed up to help at the All the World Festival!  We are set to have the biggest one ever this year!  I can't wait until Friday!  But until then...

Don't forget our November meeting is this Monday, 11/10 at 6:00 in the Highland View Library.  In addition to usual business, Teens Against Tobacco Use and FACT at Greendale High School, in cooperation with the Greendale Health Department will be presenting the results of their research into the dangers and perceptions of several new nicotine delivery systems among our grade school students.  The agenda is online here.  The Minutes from the last meeting are online here for review.

We're also putting out the call for a couple parents to help hand out roasted pumpkin seeds this Friday (11/14) to our Highland View students at lunch as part of the Greendale Food Services "Sample Days."  Please let me know if you can help.  Volunteers would be needed from about 11:10-12:30.

Finally, the movie room for students was a big hit during conferences again--between the two days dozens of students took part, saving many parents the hassle of finding babysitters during conferences and made conferences so much easier for teachers too.  Sadly, we might not be able to offer that service for conferences on 11/25.  No parent has signed up to be in the room that night, and I have to work with the fundraiser pickup downstairs in the gym.  If you can stick around Highland View for a little while on 11/25 just watching kids shows in the library, it makes a real difference to a lot of parents and a lot of teachers.  Please sign up here.

Thanks again, and see you soon!

Aleks Skibicki

November 10th, 2014 Meeting Agenda

1) Welcome

2) Review Minutes, October 13,2014  2 Minutes

3) Treasurer’s Report     (3 Minutes)

4) New Business     (20 Minutes)  

  • TATU (Teens Against Tobacco Use) and FACT Presentation
  • Sample Day 11/14/14
  • All The World Fest 11/14/14   
5) Past Events      (5 Minutes)

  • Family Dinner Night
  • Fun Run Walk
  • Cheese Sample Day
  • Art To Remember
  • Conference Dinners
  • Conference Movie Room
  • Fall Fundraiser
  • Pie Sale
7)  Principal’s Time     (5 Minutes)

October 13, 2014 Meeting Minutes

Highland View PTO
October 13,2014

13 individuals were in attendance.

Aleks Skibicki welcomed members and asked everyone to introduce themselves.

Added Fun Fair to the Agenda

The minutes of September 22, 2014 were approved.

The treasurer’s report was approved.

Grant Committe:
The Grant Committee met and established some guidelines on how the applications will be received and reviewed.  All Applications must be turned in by the 1st of each month to the school Principal.  A line item was added to 2014/2015 PTO Budget titled “Assemblies” for $1500.00 and the line item “Grants” was renamed to “Classroom Needs Grants”.  For more information on The Grant Committee refer to their minutes and Report dated 10/08/2014.

2014/2015 Budget Approval:  The Budget was approved for 2014/2015 school year.  The budget has five new line items. Assemblies, Field Trip Buses, Black History Month, Fitness Park and Rec Certificates and Classroom Needs Grants.  We also approved a sixth new line item for $150 for the Volunteer Breakfast.  Mrs. Flater was the only one present who was opposed to this.

Fundraiser for local restaurants:  PTO V.P.  Chandra is researching possible new fundraising opportunities with local restaurants.  The PTO would receive a percentage of the restaurants sales on a specified dates.

Art To Remember: Art to remember order forms will be going home with students the week of 10/20/14.  The order forms will be personalized with each childs art work.  You can also place orders on-line.  Deadline will be 10/27/2014.

Volunteer needed for Conferences: Looking for parent volunteers to sit with the children who choose to watch a movie during conferences. Possibly the High School honor students would be willing to do this?  Kristen Settle reported the conference dinner is all set just looking for two volunteers to help clean up.

Bruce Poprocki Volunteer Award: Nominations are being accepted anytime throughout the year.  Just submit a letter to the committee.

School Carpool:  This would need to be  parent run and not the responsibility of the school.  Some activities will have sign-up sheets or some use social media sites such as Facebook.  There is also a carpool app that can be downloaded .

Fun Fair:  The fun fair scored very low on last years survey. The event did not make a profit last year.  The group threw out some suggestions on how to maybe change up the event a little. Some suggestions were fewer raffle items, classroom baskets, Wrtten prize drawings.   The chairs of the fun fair will meet with Tracy,Stacie and Shawn in a small group for further discussion and are looking for new people to shadow them for the chair positions.

Current Projects

Family Dinner Night:  Lots of volunteers to bring in soups, milk and rolls and cupcakes.  The magician has been contacted and will have a different end to the show from last year’s guillotine act.  Ticket purchases are starting to come in.

Walk /Run to Better Health:  Shirts should be coming home with students this week.  Highland Views basket has a handmade blanket, and lots of admirals items.  Chick Fil-A is giving out free sandwich coupons.  The Chick Fil-A Cow will be racing the Panther.  Looks like we are going to have a great turn out.

All The World Fest: Senorita Bradley had flyers go out last week for families interested in having a table at the fest.  We will have some representatives present from other schools in Greendale that are interested in seeing how the event is run.  It may be nice to invite the school board members to attend the event.

Principal’s Time:  PBIS- 20 children pulled, prizes were Technology party, Fine dining, extra recess etc…  if you are interested in donating items for the fine dining table such as silk flowers, table clothes or other center pieces. These items can be brought right to the school office.

Fire drills have been done twice.

Signup genius have been sent out by teachers for conferences.  There will be no conference on 11/26/14 they have been moved to 11/25/14 4pm to 8 pm.
Next PTO Meeting will be in November 10, 2014.

Meeting Conclusion
The meeting was adjourned.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Highland View PTO: We need you! (Really especially much!)

Highland View Families,

We need you.

In two weeks, on Friday November 14th from 6:00-8:00, Highland View is hosting its third annual All the World Festival showcasing the diverse heritage and cultures that make up our school family.  This is an event that's unique to our school, and has been praised by members of the entire Greendale School District--from the school board, to district administration, to the principals of our other schools.

But without your help, it just can't happen.  So far only six families have signed up to help Senorita Bradley and the PTO at the event.

No matter where your family came from, or where you are now, our Highland View students would love to learn more about it.  Does your family participate in any traditions, or events that you could show off to our students?  Would your student like to teach everyone else a little about their heritage?  You can participate to any level you feel comfortable.

Students have made table displays or brought in family crafts and foods.  Families have created displays both simple and elaborate, and some families have even shared dances and songs from around the world with our students.  No matter what you can share, and no matter how you would like to share it, please help show off the rich tapestry we all are a part of at this year's All the World Festival.

For details or questions on how you can help please (PLEASE) contact  Senorita Bradley at

Even if you don't want to make a display, volunteers are needed in the craft room and several other places through the evening.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Highland View PTO: Box Tops, Conferences, and Order Forms

Hello Highland View Families!

Just four quick updates:

1)  Remember, your fundraiser order forms are due on Friday.  Please include payment with the order.  This fundraiser will provide the foundation for everything the PTO does this year, from events, to grants, to assemblies, to books, to PBIS shirts.  Thanks so much to everyone who is participating!

2)  There are a few chances to win thousands of Box Tops for our school at the Box Tops for Education website here.  It would be amazing to win, so we appreciate everyone who plays for Highland View.

3)  Don't forget to use your Target Red Card when you shop at Target, and make sure you've chosen Highland View as your "Take Charge of Education" fundraising partner.  Not only will Target give you a 5% discount, but they'll also send 1% to Highland View--last year that added up to $2000!  You can connect your card to Highland View here.

4)  Finally, we still need people to watch movies with students during conference times.  Parents really appreciated not having to find a sitter for the time it took to have a conference, and teachers really appreciated being able to have private conferences with parents.  This is your chance to make it happen again.  Please sign up for a shift or two here.  

Thanks!  And keep on learning!

Aleks Skibicki

Monday, October 20, 2014

Highland View PTO: Thanks And Congratulations!

1)  Thanks to all the families that participated in the Step Up To Better health Fun Run this year!  We had a beautiful day, and Highland View set a school record for participation with 166 walkers and runners!  Woohoo!  Congratulations to our school race winners:  Connor Polenske who won first place for Highland View runners, and Jada Tharp who came in second for Highland View runners.  Great job!

2)  We could use a couple more faces on our "Fun Fair Freshener" committee.  Please sign up here  if you're interested in putting together ways to make our fun fair extra-funner!

3)  Clothing take 1!  Our Safe-Respectful-Responsible shirts are officially in the capable hands of the printers.  So, hopefully we'll see them in our own hands soon.  (Some of you have been asking, so I figured I'd pass on the update.)

4)  Clothing take 2!  Missing orders from the fall spiritwear order are also at the printer, so if you contacted the PTO about any missing items, we're just waiting for things to get made!

5)  Family Dinner Night!  Family Dinner Night was alot of fun again this year--So let's make sure to give a huge thank-you to Mary Braun our event coordinator (and intrepid PTO Secretary.)   Also thanks to everyone who donated food or time to help make it a fun time for all the families and kids who came.

6)  The fundraiser is almost due!  Remember, your fundraiser order forms are due this Friday.  Also if you've sold 3 or more items, make sure to send in the slip from the bottom of your fundraiser instruction page ASAP so your student is entered in the daily poster drawing!   This really is the big one for us, and drives everything from the Safe-Respectful-Responsible shirts, to RIF books, to teacher appreciation, to classroom grants, to events like the All The World Festival coming up in November.

Thanks again, and see you at school!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Highland View PTO: Meeting Links and Jobs

Thanks again to everyone who braved the weather to come out to the meeting tonight.  Here are some of the links we talked about--but you can sign up whether you were at the meeting or not!

1) Here's a link to a signup list to meet to start working on how to put some of the ideas to freshen the Fun Fair into action:

2)  Here's the link to sign up for a shift watching movies and keeping an eye on the kids at the PTO Movie Room during teacher conferences:

3)  Here's the link to sign up for the last remaining spot to help with the teacher dinner during conferences:

4)  Here's the link to sign up for the remaining Family Dinner Night needs:  

5)  Finally, here's a link to the Fun Run registration form for this Sunday.  It's too late for T-Shirts, but every participant still gets a ticket to win the Highland View Spirit Basket, and a ticket to win one of the other raffle pries available at the run (autographed Packer footballs, sports tickets, and more!) You'll also get to see the Chik-Fil-A Cow race the Greendale Panther, and if the Panther wins, the Chik-Fil-A cow will give out 300 coupons for free sandwiches!  Just bring your registration form with you to the run, or turn it in to school before Friday!  

I hope that's enough links to find one that's just perfect for you!  See you at school,


Saturday, October 11, 2014

Highland View PTO: SO much going on!

Hello Highland View Families!
We have so much going on in the next few weeks, here's what to be ready for:

1)  Reading Buddies needs help!  One of Highland View and Greendale's marquee educational, literacy, and community outreach programs is in desperate need of help.  Reading Buddies is a program where retirees and older family members with available time visit Highland View on Thursday mornings and read with our younger students.  If you are someone, or know someone who fits the bill, please let us know and we'll connect you to the program organizers.  ( Reach us at: )

2)  The next PTO meeting is Monday 10/13.  The agenda for the meeting is available here: .  In addition to reviewing the Grant Committee report and recommendations, we'll be discussing the upcoming Family Dinner Night, and Around the World Festival, the PTO's new tradition of providing a child care room during parent teacher conferences, and we'll hear a report on how we can implement a Carpool Connection for Highland View families.  Remember, the teacher whose classroom has the highest attendance gets a $25 learning store gift card!

3)  The PTO Fundraiser Due Date is October 24th!  This is the main fundraiser that lets the PTO do the projects and events that it does through the year--everything from buying RIF books for every student at Highland View, to buying the PBIS Shirts for every student, the prizes for events like Battle of the Books, our Panther Fitness Challenge last year, and so much more!

4)  The Family Dinner Night needs your help too!  The Highland View  Family Dinner Night is coming up this Friday, so be sure to turn in your registration form before the preregistration date on Wednesday to save $2 per ticket!  (Tickets also available at the door.)  In addition to good food, and Highland View friends, there'll be a fantastic magic show as dinner winds down.  If you can help out by donating something for the dinner that would be welcome too.  You can find out what's still needed here:    

5)  Don't forget the Bruce Paprocki Distinguished Volunteer Award--we already have our first nomination for the year!  Each year, in memory of one of the Highland View family's most dedicated members, one distinguished volunteer has their name added to a plaque displayed at the school.  To nominate someone you know, simply send a letter to the PTO, or to Mrs. Flater, with your name, the name of the person you are nominating, and why you think they are so fantastic.  The award committee will choose from nominees in April and May,  Speaking of nominees, we have our first one:

"Jason Patzfahl was an amazing 2014 Highland View volunteer even before the school year started.  While Village Days fun and food were entertaining the village, Jason was hard at work, spending what seemed like 72 hours straight running the Highland View games booth in the family area.  But he's not just a games barker!  He's been a tireless advocate for our students, both in the classroom, and in the community, and definitely deserves this recognition."

Congratulations Jason!  And Thanks!

6)  The Highland View Phone Book is back from the printer!  So if you ordered one when you joined the PTO (or sent money along with a "missing information" form) expect to see that book coming home this week!

7)  The Book Fair is here again!  The Book Fair will be open at Highland View all week before school, during lunch (for students) and for 30 minutes after school.  It will also be open during Family Dinner Night on Friday, and the Monday PTO meeting.  Reading is AWESOME, and books make reading so much easier!

Whew!  I think that's everything.  If you've read this far--you're amazing!

See you on Monday,
Aleks Skibicki

PTO Agenda 10/13/2014

1) Welcome

2) Review Minutes, September 22, 2014  (2 Minutes)

3) Treasurer’s Report (3 Minutes)

4) New Business (25 Minutes )
Grant Committee Report and recommendations
Budget Approval
Volunteers for Conferences
Bruce Paprocki Volunteer Award
Carpool Connection Research Results

5) Upcoming Events  (5 Minutes)
Family Dinner Night
Walk/Run to Better Health
All the World Fest

7)  Principal’s Time (5 Minutes)

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Highland View PTO: Minutes and Days!

Hello Highland View Families!

First: BONUS DAY! If you missed the October 1st deadline to turn in your Fun Run/Walk registration (available here) then you're in luck--there's a special bonus registration day tomorrow (October 2nd) just for you! Remember, every participating student will get a panther paw track around the gym, and every participant registering in time will get the coveted Fun Run/Walk 2014 T-Shirt!

(You can participate and register for the Fun Run on the day of the event--October 19th--but only people registered before October 2 will get T-shirts.)

Second: The draft for the 9/22 PTO meeting minutes is up on the PTO Website. Check it over to see what we were up to, and, if you were at the meeting, check to make sure everything is accurate. You can find the minutes here.

See you at school!


September Meeting Minutes

Highland View PTO
September 22,2014 

15 individuals were in attendance.

Aleks Skibicki welcomed members and asked everyone to introduce themselves.

The minutes of June 9, 2014 were approved.

The treasurer’s report was approved.

Grant Funding Applications:
1) Erin Chontal requested the following items for individualized educational programs (IEP) and for the use of all other staff members as needed.
Personal Laminator-$30
10 packs of laminate pouches @$10 each pkg
10 packs of adhesives velcro dots@$11 each pkg
PTO approved this request reducing the packs of laminate pouches and adhesive velcro dots to 5 each totaling $145.00.

2) Senorita Bradley requested seat sacks which will benefit all students receiving Spanish instruction.  The time capacity these sacks will create warranted the approval by the PTO for $ 283.57 for the following:
30 seatsacks @8.95 each
shipping  $15.07

3) 4TH Grade Teachers requested 3 document cameras for writer’s workshops. Teachers feel these cameras will help lessons run more smoothly and keep students engaged.  The PTO approved the cameras.
3 cameras- $69.00 each

4) Heidi Harrmann requested the following that is needed for visual support with the IEP.  Without this request the laminator would not be needed.
Boardmaker Online Yearly Subscription $99.00
SymbolStix Online Yearly Subscription, 2 copies at $49.00= $98.00
PTO Approved $198.00

Grant committee selction: Mrs. Flater, Chandra, Aleks and Kristen

Event Committees:  Volunteer List are ready and will be sent out to our chair list.

FunFair:  Tabled until chairs are able to on hand.

Recess Equipment: Mrs. Flater said the recess equipment is very scarce?  Aleks will talk with Michelle Persike to see if any equipment was ordered.

Ice Cream Social /Welcome back Breakfast: Went like clockwork, 4K families really enjoyed the breakfast.

Current Projects

Family Dinner Night:  Starting to organize the event.  It will be kept similar to last year.  Soups, salad, and dinner rolls.  The magician has been reserved will ask to leave the guillotine out of the act.

Walk /Run to Better Health:  Date is October 20th deadline to commit and receive a t-shirt is October 1st.  This could be the last year for this event the nurse that oversees the event is retiring.

Principal’s Time:  The year is off to a great start.  This is the first year parents must leave their children enter the school on their own.

Have received a suggestion of making a right turn only when leaving the school parking lot for drop offs and pickups.

Students have been practicing being safe, respectful and responsible behavior in the cafeteria.  Weekly recognitions are also up and running.  The students earn tickets and at 3:15 on Fridays there is a weekly drawings and a monthly drawing.  Weekly drawing students earn paw prints and get their picture taken.  Monthly drawing the students can earn things like an extra recess or lunch with a staff member.

Next PTO Meeting will be in October 13,2014.

Meeting Conclusion
The meeting was adjourned.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Highland View PTO: Don't Forget!

Hello Highland View Families!

Can you believe we're a month into the school year already?

First:  Thanks to everyone who came to our first meeting this Monday.  Minutes should be ready to send out soon, so keep an eye on your email box for them!  I hope to see you all at our October meeting!

Second:  There are a few big things coming up starting this weekend.

1)  The Greendale School District Green Apple Day of Service.
The Greendale School District is hosting a Green Apple Day of Service Event in the Canterbury Woods tomorrow (Saturday 9/27).  Volunteers will be doing forest cleanup jobs from 9:00-Noon.  Yard gloves and supplies will be provided, just show up and help keep our school district green space beautiful.  It's a great opportunity to share the value of service with all our children.  The Canterbury Woods is the wooded area between GMS and Canterbury schools.

2)  Fun Run/Walk registrations are due WEDNESDAY.
The Fun Run/Walk coming on October 19th is a big deal!  Not only are the Fun Run/Walk shirts the #1 fashion statement in Greendale every year, but this is the biggest fitness event the village hosts, and every cent of your registration fee goes to support our school!  Get your registration form here, or turn in the one that went home in your take home folder last Friday.  Don't feel like running?  You can choose a 2 mile walking route instead.
Every student registered will get their name on a panther paw in the gym--let's see if we can make tracks all the way around!

3)  Spiritwear and Phone Books.
The Spiritwear order should be coming home next week; keep your eyes open for it.  If you're interested in helping sort orders, let me know, and we'll call you in when the order is in our hands!  The phone books are just waiting on a few last pieces of information from families whose information we didn't have yet.   Expect them soon though!

Have a great weekend!

Aleks Skibicki

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Highland View PTO: Meeting on Monday (and other news)

Hello Highland View Families!

Just two big reminders and two updates for this week:

Reminder number one:  Our first PTO meeting for the year is Monday!  We'll be in the Highland View library at 6:00.  Child care will be available if you need.  We'll approve the year's budget, go over upcoming events, consider new projects, and also consider grant requests from several teachers.

Reminder number two:  Step Up To Better Health Fun Run registration forms are due soon!  (October 1st is the deadline.)  Send those back to school ASAP.  They should have gone home in Friday's take-home folder.  If it didn't make it home (sometimes things get lost on the way) you can download or print a copy here: .

100% of your registration fee goes back to Highland View.  Last year, funds raised from the Step Up To Better Health Fun Run Walk paid for:  High Interest Day, the Florentine Opera's performance at our school, Trinity Irish Dancers' performance at our school, new games for the games club, AND brought award winning author Pat Zeitlow Miller to our school to spend the day teaching our students all about the writer's art. Registration is $30 for a family, and includes up to four  t-shirts (extra t-shirts are $5 each.)

Update number one:  Volunteer lists are assembled!  Thanks so much to everyone who checked off a box (or a lot of boxes!) on their PTO membership form.  (And if you didn't, that's OK too, don't worry!)  almost 150 families marked an interest in helping out with something during the year--I think that's a record!  If you want to help out, but didn't mark anything on your membership form--it's never too late!  Come by the meeting on Monday, and we'll get you right in!

Update number two:  If you signed up to coordinate an event or activity this year, I'll have packets for you at the meeting on Monday that will include contact information for people who signed up to help, all the PTO resources we have available, and other guidelines/helpful hints we have for you.  I'll also answer any questions I can, and show you the PTO storage area and mailbox, if you don't know where they are already.

See you Monday (6:00 in the library!)

The Highland View PTO

Monday, September 15, 2014

PTO: Advertise in the Highland View phone book!

Hello again!

Sorry to fill your inbox, (Two emails in two days!) but the Highland View 2014-2015 phone book is coming together, which means that if you want to sponsor it with an ad, now's your chance!

For $10, get your business the best kind of publicity--local, personal, and connected!  Advertisement dimensions will be 4" x 2" and will be located at the back of the phone book.

Your donation of $10 will help to keep the phone book cost low for Highland View families, as well as advertise your business to over 300 families, teachers, and staff.

To sponsor the Highland View Phone Book, please print and complete this form and return it along with your check (payable to Highland View PTO) to Aleks Skibicki via the Highland View office by September 19th, 2014. If you want a logo in your ad, please include it, or send it by email. You can contact Aleks at

Name of Business :



Phone #:



Other information to include:

We will review your advertisement with you via email prior to printing for final approval.

Advertise in the Highland View Phone Book!

Now's the time to buy ad space in the 2014-2015 Highland View Phone Book!

For $10, get your business the best kind of publicity--local, personal, and connected!  Advertisement dimensions will be 4” x 2” and will be located at the back of the phone book.

Your donation of $10 will help to keep the phone book cost low for Highland View families, as well as advertise your business to over 300 families, teachers, and staff.

To sponsor the Highland View Phone Book, please complete this form and return it along with your check (payable to Highland View PTO) to Aleks Skibicki via the Highland View office by September 19th, 2014. If you want a logo in your ad, please include camera ready art. You can contact Aleks at or (414) 423-1224.

Name of Business :



Phone #:



Other information to include:

We will review your advertisement with you via email prior to printing for final approval.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

PTO: Last Call For Spiritwear (And 2 other reminders!)

Hello again!

I hope school is going great!  This is just a three-fold reminder:

1)  Spiritwear online orders are due by 5 am Monday morning.  The link is:

2)  The School Board's big Annual Meeting is Monday too, in the Greendale High School auditorium.  The budget hearing begins at 6:30 pm, followed by the Annual Meeting at 7 pm. The School Board will also hold a special meeting at 8 pm to gather community input on the proposed Veterans' Memorial, but no action will be taken on this proposal at this meeting.

3)  Finally, if your student is in 5K-5th grade, this Thursday (9/18) is Curriculum Night.  It is a great opportunity to hear directly from teachers about how your student will spend their time at school, and how you can support them.  (If I just relied on reports from my daughter, all I would know is that they do "stuff" at school and it's mostly "fine.")

As always, the best way to reach the PTO is through and not directly replying to this email.

And for those of you that signed up for volunteer opportunities through the PTO, that information is getting organized and will be in the hands of committee and event coordinators by the end of the week, so expect to be put to work soon!

Happy learning!

The Highland View PTO

Monday, September 1, 2014

Highland View PTO: See you at breakfast on Tuesday!

Hello again!

Just a quick reminder that whether it's a "Woo-hoo!" or a "Boo-hoo," morning on Tuesday (the first day of 5K-5th grade) you're invited to join other parents for breakfast in the gym compliments of Highland View Parents and the PTO.  Breakfast will be served from 8:45-10:00.  Take some time to meet other parents, and talk about ideas and plans for the new year.

(4K parents--since you won't be at school Tuesday, you're invited to breakfast during the 4K "Meet Your Teacher Morning" this Friday September 5th.)

And as long as I have your attention for a minute:  Thank You!  Target sent us a check for $1,273.34 from all the folks who used their Red Card last year.  Remember, not only do you save 5% when you use your Red Card at Target, but they send an extra 1% to the school if you selected us on your account.  Next year we'd like to use this money to buy the CARE (Safe, Respectful, Responsible) shirts for all the Highland View students, so your help makes a definite difference!  If you haven't yet, you can designate Highland View as your Target Red Card recipient here: .  If you prefer, you can also choose by phone at 1-800-316-6142.

Thanks again, and see you in the morning!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Highland View PTO: Big things coming up!

Hello everyone!

 There's a lot coming up the next few weeks. I look forward to meeting more of you in person, and getting this year started with style!

 1) Meet Your Teacher Day, Thursday August 28th

When you're done meeting your teacher for 2014-2015, stop outside and join the PTO for the second annual Meet Your Teacher Ice Cream Social and BYO-Picnic. This year, several members of the Greendale School Board have volunteered to come out and be guest scoopers for us, so this is a great chance to meet them in person too. The PTO will provide the ice cream and toppings for the ice cream sundae bar, but please bring a picnic dinner and stick around a while to catch up with your fellow Highland View families.

 The PTO will also have soccer balls available for pick-up soccer on the field, and kickballs out in the baseball diamond for a fun game of kickball. Everyone's invited to play, kids and parents. So come on out and pretend it's recess again!

 2) Welcome Back Breakfast 
5K-5th Grade September 2nd 8:45-10:00AM
4K September 5th 7:30-9:30AM

 Whether it's a "Woo-hoo!" or a "Boo-hoo!" morning, don't forget to stick around after dropping your student off at school on September 2nd (if your student is in 5K through 5th grade,) or after meeting your 4k teacher on September 5th (if your student is entering 4K.) The PTO will be hosting breakfast in the gym, giving you a chance to relax and ring in the school year with other Highland View families.
If you'd like to bring a dish to share at the breakfast it would be super appreciated! Here are links to SignUp Genius Pages for what we need:
5K-5th Grade:

 3) Register For The Step Up To Better Health Fun Run Walk

Pop quiz: What's the biggest fitness event in Greendale, with 100% of the proceeds devoted directly to Greendale schools and students?
Answer: The Step Up To Better Health Fun Run/Walk!

 Every year the Greendale Step Up To Better Health Committee puts on a 5K run or 2 mile walk (your choice) through scenic Greendale, and sends all the proceeds to Greendale schools. Not only do nearly 1,000 Greendale residents walk or run, but the money Highland View raised last year alone was enough to pay for the costs of: High Interest Day, bringing the Florentine Opera to the school, bringing Trinity Irish Dancers to the school, new games for the games club, AND bringing award winning author Pat Zeitlow Miller to the school.

The school with the highest participation not only earns the most money, but also gets a HUGE trophy. Highland View has never won--let's make this our year.

 A printable registration form with more information is available here:

4) Spiritwear is still available!

Start the year in style with Highland View Spiritwear. Your student will love how they match both the Highland View take-home folder, and this year's Safe-Respectful-Responsible shirts.

 Here's the link:

 Remember, the best way to contact the PTO is through ! Have a great rest-of-summer and we'll see you at Meet Your Teacher Day!

Register for the Fun Run!

Top Reasons To Register for the 2014 Greendale Step Up To Better Health Fun Run/Walk:

10.  Fitness is fun!
9.  Being healthy beats not being healthy!
8.  It's the biggest fitness event in Greendale.
7.  The school with the most participants gets a GIANT trophy!
6.  The school with the most participants gets the most MONEY!
5.  Nearly 100% of all registration fees go to the school you mark on the registration form.  (Please mark Highland View!)
4.  Last year money from the Fun Run was able to cover the cost of High Interest Day, bringing the Florentine Opera to the school, bringing Trinity Irish Dancers to the school, new games for the games club, AND bringing award winning author Pat Zeitlow Miller to the school.
3.  Won't you feel cool wearing your Fun Run/Walk t-shirt around Greendale this year?  (Everyone else will be!)
2.  Win the respect and admiration of your peers by winning a trophy or a medal.
1.  Show these kids that slow and steady still wins the race!

Registration is $15 per individual OR $30 for a family (includes 4 t-shirts).

Click on the registration form below to get to a slightly larger printable version:

Monday, June 9, 2014

Minutes from the May Meeting

Highland View PTO

Thirteen individuals were in attendance.

Aleks Skibicki welcomed members and asked everyone to introduce themselves.

The minutes of April 8, 2014 were approved.

The treasurer’s report was approved.

Labels for education: Ms. Schleicher’s class won.  Over 30,000 pts collected.  Will be able to purchase PE Bases, Batting Tees, Carts etc…

Fitness Project Prizes:  Classroom prizes will be extra recess.  Once the sheet is handed in A Park N Rec Certificate will be given to the student valued at $5.00.  This certificate will cost the PTO $4.00 and the PTO will only be billed for the ones that were used.  Max estimated cost $2000.00.  The coupons will Expire January 31, 2015 and cannot be used for child care. The all school prize will be a frozen healthy treat.

Nominations for PTO Officiers:  Moved to June 09, 2014 meeting.

Current Projects

Fifth Grade Celebration:  The PTO approved an extra $200.00 for the Fifth Grade Graduation Committee.  Alison Julien and Mary Braun will be heading the committee for the 2014/2015 Fifth Grade Celebration.

Garden Clean-Up:  Planting will begin in about two weeks.

Olympic Day: There will be a volunteer form sent home in Friday folders.

High Interest Day:  Went great, received many Thank You cards from the kids.

Elections In Schools:  Contact Aleks with questions.

Teacher Wish List: Technology needs replacing.  Mrs. Flater will look into if the PTO purchases will the district replace or repair when needed.  Mrs. Flater will also work on getting a number to the PTO of what the technology would cost.  Decision was made to hold off approving the teachers wish list at this time.  We will look into possibly learning shop gift cards or using money received from Target for the teachers.

PTO Survey: Fun Fair not as popular as we thought.  Comments revealed that they would prefer less raffle items and more quality items. RIF and Read me a story night very popular. 

Principal Time            
PBIS (Positive Behavior Information System)  A streamlined way of teaching behavorial expectations.  We have 10 staff on the PBIS team.  The goal is to eventually to add parents and students to the team. 

The spring concert( rock ‘n ‘roll themed) is May 14th,2014 and the open house( focus on literacy) is May 22nd, 2014. The Volunteer Breakfast will be held on June 11, 2014 at 8:45 am.

Next PTO Meeting June 9, 2014

Meeting Conclusion
Kristen Settle won tickets to the GEF Fundraiser

Thank You to Mrs.  Flater for a wonderful first year with us!

The meeting was adjourned.

Agenda for Monday June 9th

Hello again!

Today's meeting is the same bat-time, same bat-channel (6:00, Highland View Library).  Here's what's on the agenda:

1) Welcome

2) Review Minutes, May 12, 2014  2 Minutes

3) Treasurer’s Report                                                                                                  3 Minutes
4) New Business                                                                                                         15 Minutes  
Grant Funding
2014/2015 Budget
Fundraiser Chairperson
Family Ambassadors 
Welcome Back Ice Cream Social
5) Upcoming Events                                                                                                    20 Minutes
Nominations for next years PTO Officers
Fifth Grade Graduation
6)Updates                                                                                                                 10 Minutes
Spring Concert
Open House
Spirit Wear
Olympic Day

Fitness Challenge

Saturday, May 10, 2014

What's the PTO Done for me lately?

What's the PTO done for me lately?  A whole lot!  Here's an (incomplete!) list of just some of the things the PTO provided funding for or coordinated entirely just this year alone:

Sock Hop
Publishing Center
Fun Fair
Around the World Festival
Ice Cream Socials
Welcome Back Breakfast
Musical Lunches
Read Me a Story Night
Olympic Day
Highlighter Medals
Child Care During Conferences
HV Alumni Scholarships
Classroom Supplies
Games for the Game Club
The Florentine Opera Visit
Irish Dancers
Spanish Dance Classes
Lost and Found Reorganization
Teacher Appreciation Week
School Beautification Projects
5th Grade Field Trip
5th Grade Celebration
Your Highland View Folders
A New Bike Rack
Conference Meals for Teachers
Battle of the Books
Visual Learning Aids for Students and Classrooms
Document Cameras for Classrooms
Seat Back Pockets for Spanish Classes

Next Meeting: Monday May 12th

Don't forget the PTO meeting on Monday!

As usual, it'll be at 6:00 in the Library.  

We'll be electing next year's officers, discussing the early results of the PTO survey (If you haven't done it yet, you can find it here: ), discussing Olympic Day, Teacher Wish Lists, and approving prizes for the May fitness challenge your students have been working on this month.

We had previously discussed having members of the Village Board present to discuss elections in schools.  That ultimately was removed from the agenda because of the joint Village and School Board meeting to discuss the issue that occurred last week.

Questions?  As always, let us know!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Volunteers Needed!

The school year is rapidly coming to a close, and that means it's time to look for helpers for PTO events and projects for next year.  If you were a committee chair this year, I kept you on the list for next--please let me know if I need to take you off!  If you see an event with an open space, that means we need someone to organize that. If the space is in yellow, that means we don't need a new chairperson, but one would be appreciated!  If you don't want to run an event, but would like to help out, let us know too--we need everyone!

PTO Chair List 2014-2015
All the World Festival____________________ and
Seniorita Bradley
Art to RememberCheryl Kelly
Birthday BoardAleks Skibicki
Book FairCheryl DeWalt
Box Tops____________________
Campbell's Soup LabelsCaroline Roberts and
Michelle Persike
Conference Dinners (Nov.)Kristin Settle
Conference Dinners (Feb.)Kristin Settle
Family Dinner NightMary Braun
5th Grade Celebration____________________
Fall FundraiserAleks Skibicki
Fun FairPaula Sibila and
Angel Barylski
Fun Run/Walk (Oct.)Colleen Thiel
Health/Nurse's StationKaren Hickey
High Interest DayChristine Michalski
Highlighter BoardJessica Anaya
Ice Cream SocialPaula Sibila and
Aleks Skibicki
Market DayAngie Latus
Olympic DayHV Staff
Phone BookAleks Skibicki
Publishing CenterLori Hanlon
Read Me a Story NightAlison Julien
RIFAlison Julien
Sock HopTammy Pogorzelski
Spirit Days____________________
Spirit WearKerry Kapocius
Staff Appreciation WeekAmanda Kachikis
Village Days GamesJason Patzfahl
WebsiteAleks Skibicki
Welcome Back BreakfastAleks Skibicki
Musical LunchesKathleen Skibicki
Handy Helpers____________________

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Safe Elections Update: How to Contact the Board of Trustees

For those of you wishing to contact the Board of Trustees directly, and make your voice heard about moving voting to alternate locations, here is contact information for the Greendale Village Board of Trustees:

You can mail letters to any of the trustees at Village Hall:

Greendale Village Hall
6500 Northway
Greendale, WI 53129

The Trustees themselves are listed below along with their email addresses and village phone numbers:

James M. Birmingham
(414) 421-4661

Ronald A. Barbian
(414) 525-1999

Sally A. Chadwick
(414) 421-8163

Allan D. Sikorski
(414) 421-3854

Donna Ouellette

Please contact them and let them know this is an issue that is important, and due serious consideration!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Next Meeting: TUESDAY April 8th

Highland View Library 6:00 PM

There’s still a lot left to do this year!

We'll be working on:

  • Proposal for an additional bike rack
  • High Interest Day
  • School garden update
  • Teacher appreciation week
  • Nominations for next years PTO officers
  • Selection of Highland View's volunteer award committee members
  • Spirit wear update
  • Soup label book discussion
  • Discussion on a walking/biking incentive program for students

It’s also time to take nominations for PTO officers for next year, find event coordinators for next year, and choose PTO representatives for the Bruce Paprocki Highland View Distinguished Volunteer Award committee.

Child care will be available. The classroom with the most parents in attendance will receive a gift card to the Learning Shop.  Every attendee has a chance to win attendance prizes too!

Monday, March 17, 2014

March 10th, 2014 PTO Minutes (Draft)

Minutes (Draft)
Highland View PTO
March 10th 2014

Meeting Called To Order 6:06 P.M.
18 Members present

1)  Greendale School Board candidate forum
Candidates Amy Ali and Victoria McCormick introduced themselves and spoke about their qualifications and interest in the Greendale School Board.  They answered many questions from attending PTO members on subjects ranging from the district nutrition policy to school programming to school class sizes and financial challenges.  The candidates answered questions and spoke with the PTO for slightly over an hour.  When no more questions were forthcoming, the candidate forum was closed and the PTO moved on to other business.

2)  Updates
Box Tops Competition—Mrs. Mrotek’s classroom won the competition, which brought in over 8,000 box tops (8,630) amounting to $863 for the PTO.  Thanks go out to Katrina Cooper who coordinated the competition and cut and counted many of the box tops.
Soup Labels Competiton—Ongoing.  This competition continues through April 11th.  The school currently has 30,000 “points” available.  An email was sent to teachers asking them to let us know what they need.  As of 3/10 Mrs. Muschinski replied that she needed new “Gator Skin” balls for gym class.  Thanks go out to Michelle Persike for coordinating the Campbells Soup Label competition and helping provide needed equipment for our school.
Read Me a Story Night—2/28.  This event was a fun success.  Approximately 100 Highland View students attended and heard stories from parents, teachers, and even Mrs. Flater!  Thanks go to Alison Julien for coordinating it, and to all the parents who donated cookies and supplies for the event.
Conference Dinners and Movie Room—Kristi Settle did a fantastic job with the conference dinners again. The teachers really do appreciate having dinner and lunch available during these conferences.  We also had educational videos and supervision available in the library so parents could leave their children there while conferencing.  This went over well with both teachers and parents.  Both parents and teachers appreciated being able to speak without the students present, and teachers appreciated keeping their rooms clean and not having to re-organize after conferences.
Winter Recess Equipment—Students got the snow fort brick-makers the PTO purchased in February and even had some outdoor recesses to enjoy them.  They love having the extra equipment to play in the snow.
School TLC Committee—The first order of business for the committee, organizing the lost-and-found, is complete and it is wonderful.  It no onlv makes it much cleaner, but also makes finding lost items much easier and faster. 
Elections in Schools—Jason Patzfahl and Aleks Skibicki spoke to the Board of Trustees in February.  While nothing was decided at the meeting, the board indicated that it had been considering the idea but was  stopped by the lack of alternative locations.  We’ll meet with the Village Manager, Todd Michaels, soon to discuss what locations have been considered, and what options are available for future progress.

3)  Upcoming Events
Fun Fair—Going well.  Should be a good event.  At the time of the meeting they’re still taking donations.  A lot of water and juice have been donated, but very little soda. 
High Interest Day—Christine Michalski is coordinating this this year.  Scheduled for April 25th.  If anyone has a talent or hobby to share with the students, please contact the PTO or Christine.
Greendale Schools Garden Championship—Highland View won last year, but this year might be tougher.  Spring is around the corner, and a flyer will be going home to gather recruits and interest to maintain our garden over summer.
Bruce Paprocki Distinguished Volunteer Award—Submission deadline is coming soon, also, the PTO will pick members for the selection committee next meeting.  So if you’re interested, let us know.

4)  Other Business
Stop/Go sign for teachers directing traffic—A parent recommended we look into providing a crossing-guard style stop sign for the teachers working after and before school in the parking lot.  Information was provided on pricing of a Stop/Go and a Stop/Slow sign.  After discussion a motion was made to approve $104.36 funding for 2 Stop/Go signs. (Motion—Alison Julien, 2nd--Michelle Persike)  Motion carried by voice vote.
Spiritwear—Kerry Kapocius requested a list of items we would like to see available as spiritwear.  During discussion the following items were included in a list to be sent to her:
Baseball Caps
Winter/Knitted Hat
Drawstring Backpack
Fleece Blanket/Throw
Insulated Water Bottles
Girl Friendly T-Shirts
Distressed/Burnout T-Shirts

5)  Announcements/Adjournment
Mrs. Kabele’s class had the highest PTO attendance, so she wins the Learning Store Gift Card
Alison Julien noted that the RIF book distribution happened during the day, and went very well. 
Meeting was adjourned at 7:34 PM