The PTO provides for programs designed to enhance each grade’s current curriculum, provides teachers with additional
materials not covered in the school’s budget, and hosts many family-fun and community events.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Highland View PTO:  Save the Date!  (And Pick a Date!)

Hello Highland View Families!

1) Save the date!
Do you remember when I mentioned that Mrs. Kleinowski was working with local restaurants to help fundraise for our PTO?

Well save the date for Highland View Night Out number one!
March 17th, 2016
Chik-fil-A on 76th Street

Just show up to Chik-fil-A between 4-7PM on March 17th, and be sure to mention you're there for Highland View.  If you do, they'll donate 15%!

2)  Pick a date!
I really would like to have an event in March.  And a lot of parents had mentioned they were interested in some sort of science, STEM,  or learning themed activity.  However, at the moment, only two folks (including me!) marked out times they'd be available to meet to start getting ideas on paper to make this happen.

If that's the case, there's actually no law that says we have to do anything in March; we could skip that month. However, if you ARE interested in helping put some ideas together for March, there are 47 possible time slots we could meet in the first week after break--just put a digital "x" in the ones you could fit in your schedule at the site here, and we'll meet when most of us can!

3)  Pick a date #2!
Second verse, same as the first!  Except in this case, we're looking for parents interested in putting the finishing touches on developing a helpful program for "Room Parents" at Highland View.  The current draft of a Room Parent plan is available at the link here so you know what we're talking about, and can start coming up with your thoughts and ideas right away!

If you're interested in helping get this AWESOME program going, there are also 47 possible time slots to meet in the first week after break.  Just put your digital "X" into any of the slots that might work for you and we'll pick the one that most people can go to!

Thanks so much everyone!  Happy Holidays!

Aleks Skibicki

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Highland View PTO:  December OOPS!


I goofed up the link for the March Event Committee Scheduler.

Here's the correct link:

Sorry about that!


Highland View PTO:  December Delectation!

Hello Highland View Families!

What a delightful December meeting!  A bunch of good things came out at the meeting. (AWESOME!)  Here's a quick recap for those of you that couldn't make it:

1)  The report from the firm helping discover Greendale's Next Top Superintendent is available online.  A big thanks go out to all the Highland View families that participated in the process!

Here's the link to the report, if you're interested in reading it.

It gives a unique insight into how the Greendale school and village communities feel about our schools and the role and key attributes of the future superintendent.

2)  Since this year's fundraiser was a bit short of our goals, and of last year's results, a lot of good ideas for extra fundraisers and ways to re-invigorate the current one were also discussed.   Let me know if I'm missing anything:
Look into a different time frame
Look into other fundraising ideas
Color run
50/50 Raffle at events (Spring concert?)
Direct solicitation of donations (See attached image.)
Restaurant dinner fundraiser nights

Speaking of restaurant dinner fundraiser nights--I'd like to give a huge thanks to Mrs. Kleinowski!  She's working right this minute to start setting up a series of "Highland View Nights" at local restaurants!  It sounds like after years of dreaming, "Highland View Nights Out" are going to be a reality!  Thanks so much!   You're awesome!

3) Our January event, the Neon Dance Night (for all students 4K-5th grade) is approaching on January 29th.  If you'd like to offer Mrs. Hanlon early help,  her email address is

4)  Our March event is going to be brand new this year.  If you're interested in being part of the crew that creates the Highland View Science Fair/Learning Night/Brain Games/Knowledge Night in March, let's see when we can get together!  Mark what times you're available on the Doodle scheduler here and we'll schedule for when works for the most people.

5)  Speaking of new ideas, we've talked a lot about (re)starting a "Room Parent" program at Highland View.  It's time to get moving.  Some parents have already gotten a head start, so for anyone interested in being a part of creating a room parent program at Highland View:  here's a Doodle scheduler to let me know when you're available.  Depending on when most people can get together, we'll meet up and create an AMAZING program for our teachers, students, and families.

("But Aleks," you say,  "What in the world is a Room Parent?"  Email me and I can answer any questions!)

6)  February is African American History Month, and we'll be celebrating again at Highland View.  Let me know if any of you have ideas for African American History Month trivia prizes or activities!  (Be warned ahead of time though--I might ask you to take the lead on putting any suggestions into actiont!)

7)  We also officially decided to go ahead with a program to offer Highland View families the option to buy their school supplies pre-packed and delivered right to their homes.  If you're interested in how the prepackaged school supplies online ordering would look, here's a demonstration site.  (Don't order anything from there though--that's not our school!)

Thanks again everyone!  If I don't see you between now and the next meeting--Happy Holidays!

Aleks Skibicki
Highland View PTO

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Highland View PTO:  December "Don't Forgets"

Hello Highland View Families!

Just a collection of "Don't Forgets" for December:

1)  Don't forget to thank Seniorita Bradley for coordinating the All the World event in November--that was AWESOME!

2)  Don't forget to come to our December PTO meeting Monday 12/14!  (6PM in the Library)
On the agenda:

  • Form a committee to coordinate the March Learning Fair/Science Fair/???? Event
  • Form a committee to get a (re)start on a room parent program for Highland View
  • The Neon Dance Night/Sock Hop
  • Black History Month (February)
  • Recap of the PTO fundraiser
  • News from the Step Up Fun Run/Walk
  • News from Mrs. Flater
  • An update from the Greendale School Board
  • Drawing for 2 Milwaukee Bucks tickets!
  • Prize for the teacher with the highest classroom attendance

Childcare is available, as usual.

3)  Don't forget to have Happy Holidays!

Aleks Skibicki
Highland View PTO

Monday, November 23, 2015

Highland View PTO:  Happy Thanksgiving! (But read this before eating!)

Hello Highland View Families!

Happy Thanksgiving!  Just a couple quick (but important) announcements and reminders:

1)  If you ordered from the school fundraiser, TUESDAY 11/24 is the pick up day!  All orders will be available in the gym after school until 6:00.  If you can't make it, please give someone written authorization to pick up your order for you.  If there is absolutely, positively, no way for you or anyone you know to get your order on the 24th, call or email me ASAP so we can make arrangements.

If you can stick around (or arrive early) to help out it would be INCREDIBLY appreciated.  Please sign up here, or just email to let me know when you can be there.

2)  Super Thank You to Senorita Bradley!  The All The World event was amazing, once again.  Also thanks to all the parents and kids and relatives that cooked, crafted, and researched cultures from around the world to share with the rest of our Highland View family.  Thank you so much for organizing it again Senorita Bradley!

3)  I almost forgot to congratulate Mr. Rivera and Mrs. Bushman's PM classes for winning their teachers $25 Gift Cards to the learning store by having the highest attendance at the last PTO meeting.  In the tradition of "better late than never:"  Congratulations!  I'll drop the gift cards off tomorrow!

4)  Kid care at conferences. Thanks to everyone who already signed up, but we could use a couple more people to help out.  All you have to do is watch some Kratt's Creatures with the kids for a little bit.  Please sign up here.

5)  Have a happy break!

Aleks Skibicki
Highland View PTO

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Highland View PTO:  See All the World in One Night!

Hello Highland View Families!

Or should I say dzien dobry?  Or guten tag?  Or ni hao? Friday night, we'll be saying them all, and more!  You're invited to join Highland View students and families as they share experiences from All the World from 6:00-7:30.

Enjoy food, entertainment, and crafts from all corners of the globe.  Highland View students can complete an All the World passport and get a prize.  There's no admission, just show up and have fun.  (And learn something along the way!)

Na razie!

The Highland View PTO

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Highland View PTO:  Greendale School District Needs You (Seriously.)

Hello Highland View Families!

Earlier this evening I attended the first meeting the school district put on to help gather criteria, opinions, and ideas from the school community to narrow down their search for a new superintendent.

There were eight people there.  One was the facilitator.  One was the district secretary, taking notes.  One was a school board member.   Of those last five, one didn't say a word the whole time.

I guess what I'm getting at, is that this is a great opportunity to have your voice heard and help make sure the district chooses a new superintendent who's focused on the issues that are important to you.  (Or even aware of the issues important to you when it comes to giving your student the best possible education.)

There are two more meetings scheduled, and childcare is available at both.  The next two meetings are at Greendale High School:

Wednesday, November 11, at 6:30-7:30 p.m., in the MPR (cafeteria) 
Tuesday, November 17 at 6:30-7:30 p.m., in the library

I hope you'll be able to make it to one or both of these meetings.  You're all parents who are active and have taken steps to make your students' experience and education a priority, and as such, Greendale needs to hear your voices most of all.



Monday, November 9, 2015

Highland View PTO:  November?  Around here it's YES-vember!

Hello Highland View Families!

Thanks so much to everyone that came out tonight.  Here are a few important links and notes from the meeting!

1)  The All the World Event is coming up--there's still time to get involved!
I honestly can't say enough great things about Highland View's All the World event.  It's a highlight learning experience for everyone involved--kids and grown ups alike.  If you're new to Highland View, in a nutshell:  families are invited to share something that they are interested in from around the world.  That can be something from their own culture or heritage, or something they just enjoy from abroad.  It can be a display, a food, a performance, a craft, an activity, or anything else you can imagine.  Please please get in touch with Srta. Bradley to see how you can be a part of this experience!

2)  Fundraiser Item Pickup
From 3:00-6:00 PM Tuesday 11/24 is pick up time for your fundraiser orders.  It turns out that Highland View families are so amazingly amazing that there are way too many orders getting picked up for me to do it alone.  If you have some time that day, super-please sign up here to help out.

3)  Conference Childcare--Who wants to watch movies?
Same bat-day, different bat-channel--while I'm down in the gym sorting fundraiser orders with some super helpers, we need just a couple more folks to help watch kids up in the library while parents confer with teachers.  It's really very important for there to be more than one parent in the room in case one of the kids needs to go to their parents or leave the room for some reason.  Other than that, it's the easiest thing you can ever do to make teacher and parent lives soooooo much easier on conference day.  Sign up here to make a lot of people very happy!

4)  Teacher Wish Lists
An idea came up at the meeting today that sounded great!   A parent mentioned that before winter break, another school creates a "Teacher Wish List" book to give parents ideas for teacher holiday gifts.  Megan Mermal is taking charge of setting this up at Highland View.  Please get in touch with her if you're interested in helping!

Thanks for reading this far!  Have a great week!

The Highland View PTO

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Highland View PTO:  Big things, don't miss them!

Hello Highland View Families!

A few quick updates this November:

1)  Did you turn in your blue  "All the World" celebration form?  The Highland View All the World event is a marquee happening that is held in high regard both through our district and beyond.   It's something that makes Highland View special, and helps the kids feel special about who they are too.  Seeing the kids learn about their own heritage, and about the other cultures that make up our Highland View family is AMAZING.  If you have questions, or lost your form, please contact Srta. Bradley at .  And even if you don't want to do a display--I still HIGHLY recommend going; you will love it!

2)  The November PTO Meeting is coming up Monday 11/9!  I hope you can come.  It'll be short, but worth attending.  PLUS, the teacher with the highest attendance (minimum 3) gets a $25 gift card to the Learning Store.  (If Mom and Dad both come that's 2 right there!)  Child care is available as always.

3)  If we can't get two volunteers to watch kids for conferences from at least 4:00-6:00 on 11/24, we won't be able to have that available for parents and teachers.  Since that's the Fundraiser Pickup day, I'll be unavailable for the child care room for at least those first two hours.  PLEASE sign up here if you can.  Having a place for the kids when parents meet with teachers has made so many parents' and teachers' nights easier, that'd I'd hate to stop doing it!   To make things easier, I broke the sign up time slots down from two-hour blocks to one-hour blocks.  Please?

I think that's about it for now.  If I don't see you before then:  Happy Thanksgiving!

Aleks Skibicki
Highland View PTO

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Highland View PTO:  So much to know!

Hello Highland View Families!

October has been so busy!  Here's a quick recap of what's going on and what you can be a part of!

1)  Continuing a Highland View tradition, the PTO will provide FREE child care in the Highland View library during conferences.  (4-8PM 11/3 and 11/24)  There's no charge--just drop off your student on the way to your conference and (please!) pick them up before you go home.  If you can stay and help keep an eye on the kids, please sign up here.  It's super important to have more than one adult in the room!

 2)  Speaking of conferences, we can still use some extra help setting up the teachers' conference dinners in the teacher workroom on 11/3.  Check out the sign up page here to see where you're needed!

3)  And in case you missed it last time, make sure to visit the smile page for Highland View to lock us in to receive .5% of everything you spend on Amazon--at no cost to you at all!   Just click that last sentence!

4)  Highland View Phone Books went into teacher mailboxes today!  So expect yours to come home between tomorrow and Friday (if it didn't come home today.)  If the weekend rolls around and you didn't get a phone book even though you think you remember ordering one, let me know.  I'll double check your PTO membership form and get one sent right home for you!

Finally, with so much going on, there are a lot of people to thank:

Thanks to Kristi Settle and so many Highland View volunteer families for an AWESOME family dinner night!  It was a great way to spend a Friday night--wonderful food, and getting to know our fellow Highland View families.  If you see her around, make sure to thank her for her hard work.

Also, a big thank you to Cheryl Dewalt and all the volunteers that helped run the fall Book Fair.  I know we were able to get a lot of books from teacher's wish lists!

The appreciation keeps on rolling with Christie Kleinowski and our RIF volunteers who just wrapped up the first half of our RIF book give away (PM 4K, and 3-5th grades got their books on Monday.   AM 4K and 5K-2nd grades get their books on Friday.)  Reading IS Fundamental, and it's wonderful to be able to let the kids pick out their very own books for keeps!

And we HAVE to thank Mrs. Flater for being willing to get dunked 29 times (!!!) by students who registered for the Step Up To Better Health Fun Run.  Thanks for giving our students that extra fun experience.  I hope you're warmed back up in time for next year's run!  (Also, thanks to Colleen Thiel who organized everything for Highland View and to everyone who registered for the run and won Highland View  the big trophy.)

Finally, a big thanks goes to Bonnie Randow for her work getting everyone through the picture retake day today.  If your student got their picture taken today, and they look great--thank Bonnie!

And thanks to you who read this far!

Aleks Skibicki

Monday, October 19, 2015

Highland View PTO:  Dunk Tank Emergency!

Hello Highland View Families!

Dunk Tank Emergency!  We need an early riser with a 2" ball trailer hitch, and someone with a trailer hitch who's available after school.

As you know, one of the incentives for participating in the Fun Run was for students to get a chance to dunk Mrs. Flater.  Well, the Fun Run is now the Done Run (Highland View won!  AWESOME JOB!) and it's time to get our dunk on!

Since Wednesday is supposed to be a beautiful day (75 degrees outside) we talked to the dunk tank company and we can get the tank reserved for Wednesday, but we can't get it delivered.  It's built to be towed by a vehicle with a 2" ball hitch, and we can pick it up as early as 7:00 AM in West Bend.  (2001 Decorah Road, West Bend, WI 53095).  It's about a 45-50 minute drive.

If you didn't participate in the Fun Run, but can tow the Dunk Tank to Greendale (or back to West Bend) then your students will get a chance to dunk Mrs. Flater too!

The kids are really excited about dunking Mrs. Flater.  Thanks for your help making it happen!

Aleks Skibicki
Highland View PTO

Friday, October 16, 2015

Highland View PTO:  Fall Book Fair

Hello Highland View Families!

It's Book Fair time again!  Cheryl asked me to send out a request for help at the Book Fair next week (10/19-10/23.)

The Book Fair's great, because when the kids buy books from Scholastic, Scholastic pays for books  from our teacher's wish lists!

Mostly we'll need cashiers during the three selling times:  8:00-8:45 AM, 11:30-12:45 PM, and 3:15-4:00 PM.  It's pretty easy--just zap books and give change.  You may need to help students figure out how much they can afford with the money they were sent with.  You may also choose to gently prompt students to choose books instead of $20 of erasers and toys.  If there are multiple parents at any given shift, it would be great to have a parent circulating to help answer questions and find things for the shoppers.

We'll also need a cashier during Family Dinner Night on the 23rd, and hopefully some help cleaning up and tearing down the Book Fair afterwards.

You can sign up for a shift (or two or three) by clicking right here!

Thanks everyone!

The Highland View PTO

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Highland View PTO:  The shortest email of the year! (So far... )

Hello Highland View Families!

 Just three quick notes for everyone from our October Meeting (the full minutes will be out soon!) 

1) Family Dinner Night on 10/23 can use volunteers! Sign up here if you can help out.Nothing too tough--helping serve, or taknig admission or cleaning/setting up.

 2) Just one more call for the Fun Run! Remember, since your money comes right back to Highland View, it's like donating to the school but with the added benefit of your student getting a chance to dunk Mrs. Flater AND giving us a shot at the traveling trophy! You can get the registration form at the link here and turn it in at the Health Department or bring it with you on the day of the run (10/18--THIS SUNDAY!)

 3) Highland View is now a partner with Amazon Smile! If you start your Amazon shopping at this link, 0.5% of everything you spend will go back to Highland View. It's no hassle or expense at all to you! If we all use Amazon Smile, it'll hopefully make up for Target ending its school fundraising program next May.

 Thanks so much! Thanks for reading this far. Have a great weekend, and I hope to see you at the Greendale Fun Run on Sunday!

 Aleks Skibicki
Highland View PTO

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Highland View PTO:  Rocktober!  Read all about it!

Hello Highland View Families!

October's a great month; the leaves are turning colors, the weather is brisk, and you can buy pumpkin spice anything.  Speaking of pumpkins, do you know the best way to fix a broken one?  With a pumpkin patch!

Here are a couple quick October PTO updates for everyone:

1)  The October PTO meeting is 6:00PM Monday the 12th in the Highland View Library  See you there! Family Dinner Night, RIF, and the famous All the World event are on the agenda.  This is also your chance to tell us what you want to see at Highland View  As always, child care will be available and the teacher whose class has the highest attendance (at least 3 but they could be a family!) gets a $25 Learning Store gift card.

2)  Safe-Respectful-Responsible t-shirts are almost here!  The last classroom's sizes were turned in on Friday, and there are just a couple staff sizes left before I can get the order turned in.  Students and staff get one free from the PTO, and you can order extras in any size for $10 each.  On the front they have the Highland View logo with the Safe-Respectful-Responsible text.  On the back there's a panther track and the "Making a difference with the tracks I leave" motto.  This year's shirts will be black with green print.

3)  Highland View spiritwear:  The sale is on now!  You can order online here or use the order form sent home in your student's take home folder last week.  The sale will be completely closed as of October 20th, so don't wait!

4)  Highland View phone books should also be out soon.  The advertisements are all turned in, and on Monday, the proofs for approval will be emailed to the people who submitted ads.  Then it's just a question of getting it to the printer!

5)  FUN RUN/WALK!  Oh.  My.  Highland View is within 5 (FIVE!) registered participants of being the trophy winner this year.  So, while it's too late to get a t-shirt with your registration, it's not too late to sign up and support Highland View.  Every student registered--right through the day of the event--gets a chance to try to dunk Mrs. Flater!  Every penny of your registration fee goes right back to Highland View, and it is a great event each and every year.  This could be it!  This could be our year.  Help us bring the trophy to Highland View!  The registration form is available here.

6)  Fundraiser Order Forms are due Tuesday.  The fundraiser that went home last week is what makes PTO events and services from the Sock Hop to Teacher Appreciation Week to Bike Racks to Playground Equipment to Assemblies and to Field Trips possible throughout the year.  Five-hundred Highland View students give their heartfelt thanks to everyone who participates this year.

7)  Family Dinner Night is coming up Friday October 23rd.  You can pre-order tickets with the flyer that went home last week.  It's $5 per family in advance or $10 per family at the door.  The meal will be catered, and there will be entertainment by award winning magician John Lewit.

Thanks for reading this far!  See you on Monday,

Aleks Skibicki
Highland View PTO

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Highland View PTO:  Things are getting real!

Hello Highland View Families!

This will be a pretty short one (unlike the last email!) but it's important, so thanks in advance for reading it!

First, a quick thank you to Roxanne, Chandra, Shawn, and Kristin who helped distribute fundraiser packets this morning--it went roughly a million times faster than ever before.  Thank you so much!

And speaking of the fundraiser packets, they're more important than ever.

2 years ago, Kemps ended its "Milk Caps" for schools program.
This summer, Market Day ended its school fundraiser program.
This May, Target will end its RedCard Take Charge of Education program.

The list of  projects the PTO funds or support is at the end of this email. If you don't read that far though, it covers everything from buses for school field trips, to many field trips themselves, to assemblies, to teaching tools in classrooms, and more.  As sources of income for schools dry up, we really do rely on your help more than ever,

There are two BIG ways to help right now.  I promise they make a difference for the students and school.

1)  The Fun Run/Walk coming up October 18th.  (Registration forms due October 1st in order to get  t-shirts!)  Every registration dollar goes back to Highland View.  That's better than any other fundraising race I know.  Please register if you can.  You can find the registration form here:

2)  The Highland View PTO Fundraiser.  The packet should have gone home today.  That fundraiser is the biggest single source of income for the school year, so if you can join in, it would be incredibly appreciated.  (Remember, if your student's classroom has 50% participation they get a pizza party, and their teacher gets a $50 shopping spree from the fundraiser catalog.)

Here's that list of PTO supported events, programs, and materials:

School bike racks
The Safe-Respectful-Responsible t-shirts for the whole school
Parking lot stop signs for traffic directors
Seat back pockets for the Spanish classroom
Learning supplies for the special education students
Subscriptions to services for the special education students
2nd grade math learning tools
4th grade document cameras
The Latin Dance program for 4th/5th graders
Buses for all grade level field trips
The 4th grade trip to Old World Wisconsin
The Florentine Opera program at Highland View
The 5th Grade Celebration
The 5th Grade class field trip
The 5th Grade class t-shirts
All the World Event
Meals for teachers at conferences
Child care at conferences
Child care at Parent Information Night
Highland View Dance Night
Highland View Fun Fair
Highland View fitness program and prizes
Family Dinner Night
Read Me a Story Night
Highland View take-home folders for all students
High Interest Day
Meet Your Teacher Day Ice Cream Social (5K-5th grade)
4K Meet Your Teacher Day breakfast
Olympic Day
Publishing Center
RIF books for all students
Battle of the Books prizes for all students
Teacher Appreciation Week
Black History Month
Yearbook cost subsidy
Prizes for Parent Information Night drawings

And that's just what I can remember from last year!  With your help, the list for next year won't have to be cut short.

Very appreciatively yours,

Aleks Skibicki and the
Highland View PTO

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Highland View PTO:  September-iffic!

Hello Teachers and Families!

It's been a busy first couple weeks of school for everyone.  Here's a quick update of what the PTO's up to,  what's going on around the school, and where you can help if you want.

(Sorry--I believe this will be the longest email I send all year, I tried to trim it down to just the highlights though!)

1)  First, thanks to everyone that came out to our first PTO meeting last Monday.  I'm super excited about some great ideas for this year.  Congratulations to Mrs. Bushman whose students' families earned her a $25 gift card to The Learning Store just by showing up.  Remember, the teacher with the highest PTO attendance (minimum of 3) wins every month!

2)  The size sheets for this year's Safe-Respectful-Responsible shirts went to teachers this week.  As soon as all the sizes are back in we'll get the order sent to the printer. Every student and staff member gets a shirt for free from the PTO.  You can buy extras in any size for $10 each.  This year they'll be black with green print, and will use the design from last year.  (On the front it' will have the Highland View panther logo with the words Safe-Respectful-Responsible, and on the back there will be a paw print with the motto:  "Making a difference with the tracks I leave.")

3)  Another thanks!  Thanks to Stephanie, Roxanne, Kathleen and Bonnie who all helped make sure picture day went smoothly last week.  Thanks to them student pictures not only went smoothly, but look great--it was like having our own personal student stylists!  Not only that, but we got done so quickly that most pictures were done before the kids even had a chance to get messy at recess or gym!

4)  Parent Information Night is coming up Thursday 9/24.  It's a great time for you to learn how your students are learning.  To make things easier for everyone to attend, the PTO is offering child care in the gym during the information sessions.  (6:00-6:30, and 7:00-7:30).  Students will be welcome to stay with parents during Mrs. Flater's session in the gym from 6:30-7:00.  If you've completed your Greendale School District volunteer paperwork, it would be SUPER APPRECIATED if you could help out watching kids in the gym during your "off" session.  Please (Please?) reply and let me know which session to expect you!

5)  Fun Run!  Make sure to turn in your Fun Run registration form ASAP!  This fun run supports SO many of the things we do at school, from classroom supplies and teaching tools, to High Interest Day, it really makes a difference.  Also, new this year--every student who signs up gets  chance to try to dunk Mrs. Flater!  If you don't have your form, you can find it online here to print.

6)  Volunteer-a-palooza!  If you signed up on your PTO membership form as interested in volunteering this year, OR, if you signed up last year to coordinate an event or activity, I just finished putting all that information into a spreadsheet.  Coordinators--expect an email from me soon with volunteer interest lists and other resources.  Volunteers--expect to be contacted by your event's coordinator soon where they let you know exactly how amazing you are for helping!

7)  The Fall Fundraiser!  It's time to sell some pizzas (and stuff!)  Look for packets to come home 9/29 from school with all the information.  There'll be 2 weeks of "selling time" and forms will be due back 10/13.  There'll be daily drawings for prizes during those two weeks, and the products you sold will be delivered to Highland View on 11/24 (the last day before Thanksgiving break again.)  If you can help take packets to classrooms the morning of the 29th (7:45-8:30 AM) let me know--I can use the help!

8)  Just a trick to see if you read this're super awesome!  Do you know why Highland View teachers wear sunglasses?  Because their students are so bright!

See you at school,

The Highland View PTO

Monday, September 14, 2015

Agenda for 9-14-2015

Highland View PTO
Monday September 14th, 2015

1)     Welcome and Introductions
        Name, favorite HV memory OR favorite school idea you’ve ever heard or seen done

2)   Review Minutes,
        May 11th, 2015,
        June 8th, 2015

3)  Treasurer’s Report                                                                                              

4)     Old Business                          
        Bike Rack
        Meet Your Teacher Night
        Welcome Back Breakfast
        4K Welcome Breakfast
        Sales Tax Exemption AND Income tax exemption

5)     New Business      
        Child Care at Parent Info Night
        Monetize website?
        Membership Forms
        Fun Run
        Picture Day
        Family Dinner Night
        RIF Need
        March Event
        June Event
6)    Principal’s Time  

7)     Announcements:  Plugs, Raffle, Attendance Award

8)     Adjourn

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Highland View PTO:  T minus 24 hours and counting!

Hello Highland View Families!

See you soon!  Our first meeting is less than 24 hours away.  Time to hit the ground running.

We meet Monday September 14th at 6:00 PM in the Highland View library.

Bring your ideas--I'll bring mine.

Aleks Skibicki
Highland View PTO

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Highland View PTO:  P.S.


I forgot the other reason for that last email:

At Meet Your Teacher night, a lot of folks asked about membership in the PTO and ordering the school phone book.  Here are answers for everyone:

We'll be sending a paper form for both membership and phone book orders  home with students the first week of school.  Return it to school via "backpack mail" by September 14th, and we'll try to have the phone books go home in backpacks the first week of October.

If you already turned in, or still have the form that went home last June, that works just great too!

If you don't want a phone book, I'm also working on an online membership form for the PTO.

Thanks so much, and sorry to double-fill your inbox!


Highland View PTO:  Welcome Back Breakfast and Membership/Phone Book Answers!

Hello Highland View Families!

It was great to see so many excited faces at Meet Your Teacher night yesterday.  Thanks to School Board members Mel Kuzmanovic, John Comiskey, and Vicky McCormick and our superintendent Dr. Strobel for helping scoop and serve all that ice cream.  I heard their scooping arms are all sore today!

Also super thanks to the parents who braved the chill August night and stuck it out to the end of our Meet Your Teacher Movie Night!  It looked like everyone enjoyed themselves!

On to new business:

Coming back to school means it's time for our traditional Welcome Back Breakfast!

Breakfast will be served outside this year (where the ice cream social was) between 8:45-10:00 AM on September 1st.

If you'd like to bring something to share, we have a sign up page here:

Be the first to hear about new ideas for this year, or take the chance to have your ideas heard, or just come and share some time with other parents.

See you Tuesday!  Welcome Back!


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Highland View PTO:  Meet Your Teacher Day news!

Hello Highland View Families!
This is just a quick reminder that there's more to do at Meet Your Teacher Day than just meet your teacher!  And there's more this year than ever!

First:  As has become a tradition, the PTO will have a a free Ice Cream table set up by the playground for everyone to enjoy.  Greendale School Board members have volunteered to do the scooping, so make sure to say hi and meet the folks that set school policy in Greendale.

Second:  Just like last year, we'll also have an assortment of veggies from our school garden to enjoy.  I checked earlier and we are FULL of cucumbers, and tomatoes!

Third:  We'll have soccer balls and kickball balls out on the fields--stick around and play for a while!

Finally:  If you stick around until it starts getting dark we'll be playing an outdoor movie for anyone that wants to watch.  Sunset's supposed to be 7:38, so we'll start right around then.  Suggestions for a movie so far have been Home and The Lego Movie.  Email to let me know which I should choose!  Popcorn is on the PTO!

See you next week!

Aleks Skibicki

P.S.  Keep your eyes on your inbox--there's a lot more coming up in the next few days including a sign up to help with the Welcome Back Breakfast, and (with luck) an online membership form for the PTO too.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Highland View  PTO:  Correction and Major Highland View Parking Upgrade!

Hello Highland View Families!

Just a real quick correction and an announcement:

1)  I gave the wrong date for Meet Your Teacher Night in the last PTO email! That was actually the date for the Meet Your Nobody Night.  Sorry!  The correct Meet Your Teacher Night date is August 26th.  

We still need help scooping ice cream, and maybe arranging games for the kids?  Who knows!  Please let me know if you're interested in hanging out that evening and helping!

2)  And now the big announcement:  there's been a major parking upgrade at Highland View........for bikes!  I just finished putting together a brand new 18-bike rack for the front side of our school.  That doubles our bike parking space, and will make it a lot easier for students biking in from the east to follow the school's bike safety rules.  That was an idea that came in to the PTO from parents, and now it's a reality.  It's just one more example of how great it is to be involved!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Highland View PTO Important Summer Updates (Yes, it's still summer!)

Hello Highland View Families!

I hope summer is going great.  I was at the beach last week and would you believe there was a pig sunbathing there?  I walked by, and he sure was bacon!  (That joke doesn't work so well with our weather recently, sorry!)

In any event, there are a couple summer updates I needed to share with everyone, though if you were a fifth grade parent last year, they may not all apply to you (I'll make a new email list after we get our new membership list put together in September!):

First, we just got an email from Market Day which said that after being bought out by a different company, they're retiring the school-based Market Day program.   During the months of July and August, some Market Day products will still be sold at GFS stores, and they'll send 10% of the price to Highland View if you ask them to.  So, if you have Market Day favorites, move quickly, because this is the end of them.

Second, since we're losing Market Day, don't forget to save your box tops, Campbell's labels, and use your Target RedCard to support Highland View!  For the next couple days you can even enter to win the school 7500 Box Tops ($750!) at the site   And if you haven't linked your Target Card up to Highland View, click here to do it before you buy school supplies!

Third, Meet Your Teacher Day is coming up August 25th, and for the third year now the PTO is running a free Ice Cream Sundae bar for the evening.  If you can help scoop or serve, let me know!  Also, make sure to bring a dinner picnic and join other Highland View families for a fun time outdoors after you meet your teacher.  See you there!

Aleks Skibicki

Monday, June 8, 2015

Highland View PTO:  Saving the best for last!

Hello Highland View Families!

Since it's the last email of the school year, let's make it a good one!  We'll start with highlights from the meeting:

1)  The good news:  Thanks everyone!  A lot of folks did volunteer to coordinate or manage events and programs for next year.  (Hooray!) HOWEVER, we're really looking for a Yearbook coordinator and Fun Fair coordinator!  Both will have a lot of help since previous coordinators are still around to provide guidance and assistance.  AND, if you just want to help, but don't want to coordinate/manage an event, please please please email and let me know.  Even if the "coordinator" blank is filled, there's always room for you!  You'll be getting a 2015-16 PTO membership form sent home with report cards, you can use that to let us know about any interests you have too.

2)  A major priority next year will be to make volunteering with the school and PTO as accessible and welcoming to families as possible.  If you have ideas please let me know.  If you have feelings about why less people do volunteer, please let me know!   If you feel like you're shut out, and don't feel welcome to help, then super-please let me know, because that absolutely breaks my heart to hear!

3)  We approved a budget for next year, and there was a conscious effort to maintain what we've done this year.  We have a lot of great things going on at Highland View, and will work to keep them going!  Because we're continuing traditions we have a great opportunity:  instead of  building programs from the ground up, we can focus in on how to do those things BETTER.  So, if you're interested in any of the many things the PTO does, now is the best time in the world to get involved!

4)  Not from the meeting, specifically, but don't forget:  discounted registration for Kickball teams at the Education Foundation's Kickball Tournament during Village Days ends June 15th!  Find registration packets and information here:

5)  Also, make sure to cheer for our Greendale Girls Varsity Soccer Team!  After winning their regional championship Saturday against Pius XI 2-0,  they'll be playing in the sectional semi-final game at 6:30 at Greendale High School this Thursday (6/11).  If you can go, you should!  They are playing some great soccer, and can totally 100% use your support!

Oh, and did I mention:  The Yearbook and The Fun Fair are looking for coordinators, co-coordinators, un-coordinators, and re-coordinators?

See you at school!

Aleks Skibicki

P.S.  Have a great summer!  And speaking of summer, do you know why bananas always use sunscreen?  So they don't peel!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

2015-2016 Proposed Budget

If anyone wants to preview the budget proposal for next year before the meeting tomorrow, here it is!

Budget Items: 2014-15 Proposed           Spent            (6/4/2015) 2015-2016 Proposed
5th Grade Celebration $500.00 $0.00 $500.00
5th Grade Field Trip $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00
5th Grade Shirts $500.00 $0.00 $500.00
All the World $500.00 $294.10 $500.00
Assemblies $1,500.00 $800.00 $1,500.00
Birthday Gifts $100.00 $0.00 $100.00
Black History Month $250.00 $0.00 $250.00
Checks $28.00 $0.00
Classroom Grants $3,000.00 $2,238.26 $3,000.00
Conference Meals $300.00 $300.98 $300.00
Copier $150.00 $134.54 $150.00
Field Trip Buses $1,750.00 $779.12 $0.00
Field Trip Expenses $1,750.00
Fitness P&R Certificates $952.00 $160.00 $704.00
Folders $500.00 $0.00 $586.78
GEF kickball registration $200.00
Handy Helpers $100.00 $0.00 $100.00
High Interest Day $500.00 $91.87 $500.00
Highlighter Medals $350.00 $0.00 $350.00
Ice Cream Social $100.00 $0.00 $100.00
Musical Lunches $150.00 $0.00 $150.00
Olympic Day $250.00 $0.00 $250.00
Panther Paw Postcards $100.00 $0.00 $50.00
Polar Plunge Lunch $246.77 $250.00
Postage $4.90 $0.00
PTO Attendance Incentive $100.00 $0.00 $100.00
Publishing Center $50.00 $46.72 $50.00
RIF $3,000.00 $1,757.24 $3,000.00
RIF (Battle of the Books) $375.76
Scholarships $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00
Scholastic Book Fair $81.72 $100.00
School Shirts $1,500.00 $1,671.25 $1,750.00
Tax Exempt Application $850.00 $400.00 $0.00
Teacher Appreciation $800.00 $724.39 $800.00
Teacher Gift $2,050.00 $2,100.00 $2,100.00
Teacher Workroom Coffee $27.99 $50.00
Volunteer Breakfast $150.00 $117.53 $150.00
Welcome Back Breakfast $100.00 $0.00 $100.00
Yearbooks $3,000.00 $1,185.74 $3,000.00
TOTAL      $22,952.00      $15,766.88 $24,790.78

Income 2014-2015

Expense Total Receipts 2014-2015 Net Income
Main Fundraiser $240.00 $6,420.30 $6,180.30
Art to Remember $0.00 $1,391.75 $1,391.75
Step Up to Better Health Fun Run/Walk $65.93 $2,229.15 $2,163.22
Fun Fair $4,087.95 $3,263.75 -$824.20
Market Day $1,116.42 $1,116.42
Box Tops/Labels $43.75 $998.20 $954.45
Family Dinner Night $175.00 $542.00 $367.00
Restaurant Fundraisers $76.00 $76.00
Neon Dance Night $648.22 $1,104.19 $455.97
Direct Donations $20.00 $20.00
Spirit Wear $207.00 $207.00
Interest on Account $2.63 $2.63
Phone Books $193.05 $846.00 $652.95
Phone Book Ads $30.00 $30.00
Village Days $120.49 $261.30 $140.81
Target $1,832.58 $1,832.58
Total PTO Net Income 2014-2015: $14,766.88

After all outstanding expenses are paid for 2014-2015, we should have about $14,600 in the bank.  Assuming the Fun Fair can be brought back up to even, the PTO anticipates having about $30,000 available next year.  If we spend our entire budget, we'd be left with $5,000 in the bank.  Maintaining below-budget spending levels would allow us to also maintain a larger balance.

Highland View PTO:  June Meeting--Oh my!

Hello Highland View Families!
We're almost there.  With the end of the year coming up there's only almost our most important meeting of the year left.

We'll be working on
1)  The 2015-2016 budget
2)  Choosing 2015-2016 events and projects
3)  Finding 2015-2016 event and project coordinators

Speaking of finding event and project coordinators.  PLEASE take a look at the list at this link to see what we still need people for.  If you're interested, let me know!

Thanks!  And happy summer!

Aleks Skibicki

Friday, May 29, 2015

Highland View PTO:  Five Announcements! (Awesome!)

Hello Highland View Families!

I'll keep this short, so in chronological order:

1)  Don't forget, today (Friday May 29th) is Highland View Day at Chik-fil-A. Between 5:30 and 8:00, if you tell the person at the register you're with Highland View, Chik-fil-A will donate 10% of your total to the Highland View PTO!

2)  The Panther Track fitness sheets are due on Monday.  So make sure your student fills in those tracks and brings the sheet to school for their prize.  If the whole school turns in 300 or more sheets the whole school will get a treat, and if your student's classroom turns in the highest percentage of sheets, they'll get a prize too!  (300 sheets is almost 5000 hours of exercise!)

3)  Olympic Day is coming up June 8th!  Blue sheets should have come home with most students already.  Please return them and let Mrs. Muschinski know if you can help out, and if your student will be doing the Olympic Day fun run (emphasis on the FUN!)

4)  The Highland View Garden is fully planted (woohoo!) so please sign up to help keep it alive during summer.  If you can spare just a few minutes over one week this summer to make sure the garden stays watered, we can make sure the kids come back in September to a living growing green garden!  You can sign up here: .  You can also see the criteria that'll be used to determine which school wins this year's garden contest!

5)  Highland View PTO is now a tax exempt organization!  That means that if you want to donate, or if you are making purchases for the PTO, no more taxes on it!  Contact us if you need more information.

That's all for now--thanks for reading this far!

Aleks Skibicki

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Highland View PTO:  High Interest Day Supplies (Please!)

Hello Highland View Families!

First:  Thanks to all the families that have signed up to bring High Interest Day supplies for our 3rd-5th graders this Friday!

Second:  There are still a few open spots, so if you haven't yet, please check out the list here:

VERY Appreciatively Yours,

The Highland View PTO

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Highland View PTO:  May meeting agenda (This Monday!)

Hello Highland View Families!
Here's some May trivia:  When there's a life-threatening emergency and you hear someone call "Mayday!" they're not referring to the month of May at all--the word they're using is actually derived from the french "M'aidez!" which means "Help me!"

And speaking of "M'aidez" we'll be talking about lots of ways to help at our meeting on Monday.  Here's the agenda!

Highland View PTO
Agenda 5-11-2015

1)  Call to order
2)  Approve/Amend Agenda
3)  Approve Minutes 4-20-15 (Attached)
4)  Treasurer’s Report
5)  Grant Committee Report
·    Nothing new to report
6)  Election of Officers for 2015-2016
·    Nominations from the floor (Article V Sec. A)
·    Vote (Ballot if contested, voice if uncontested)  
8)  Old Business
·    High Interest Day
·    Staff Appreciation Week
·    May Fitness Activity
·    Bruce Paprocki Distinguished Volunteer Award
·    Theresa West Scholarship
9)  New Business
·    Sample Day May 15
·    Read and Roll May 18
·    Olympic Day June 8
·    Known empty event coordinator positions
9)  Principal Time
10)  Announcements
·    GEF Celebration of Education
·    GEF Kickball Tournament
·    Chik-fil-A Highland View Day

Thanks!  Hope to see you there!  (Same bat-time, same bat-channel.  In the library at 6:00!)

Aleks Skibicki

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Highland View PTO:  May Need-To-Know's

Hello Highland View Families!

This Monday always makes me feel like a Jedi...I can tell people:  "May the 4th be with you!"

Moving along, there's a lot to know for May from Highland View.  The top three, in no particular order are:

1)  High Interest Day is almost here!  If you have a talent, hobby, activity, or career that you think the kids might like to learn about, and if you're free during the day on May 15th (Friday) there's still time to contact Christine with questions and to find out how you can share it with the kids.  (Please!)

If you just want to help out with some of the materials we need for High Interest Day, a sign up genius page is here:

The cooking, and scrapbooking sessions are material-intensive and could use whatever you can help with!

2)  May is Fitness Month at Highland View!  I bet there have already been some panther tracks filled in for Highland View's May fitness activity!  On Thursday you should have received a "Get Your Panther Home" worksheet.  For every 30 minutes of activity, or 3 servings of fruits and vegetables your student gets in a day, fill in one track.  When all the tracks are filled in, return the sheet to school for a prize!  (We'll send the prizes home at the end of May.) Hopefully we can get 300 panthers home again for a nice treat on Olympic Day!

3)  Officer nominations for the PTO.  It was reported in the minutes sent out and posted back in April, but here's one more note that this month's PTO meeting will include election of officers for 2015-2016.  Nominated candidates are:  Aleks Skibicki (President), Chandra Comiskey (Vice President), Cheryl Kelly (Treasurer), and Shawn Schlieve (Secretary)

The meeting this month is May 11th, same Bat-time (6:00), same Bat-station (in the Highland View Library) see you there!

Aleks Skibicki

P.S.  Don't forget to get your tickets to the prestigious Celebration of Education event put on by the Greendale Education Foundation May 22nd.  Everyone who's anyone will be there!  (And you're someone, right?  Yup!  You sure are!)  Reply to this email and I'll get tickets to you.  Tickets are $35 apiece and the proceeds go to grants for our schools, teachers, and students.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Highland View PTO:  Accidents happen...

Hello Highland View Families,

Accidents happen, and sometimes they even happen at school.  The PTO received a request from the office for  used size 4 through 7 pants, sweats and underwear for boys and girls (they have size 4 underwear for girls, but are in need of 5-7).

They try to keep a well stocked cabinet of spare clothes, but as the end of the year draws near, it's running low.  If you have anything for them, they would greatly appreciate it.  Just drop it off in the Highland View office when you can.

Thanks everyone!

Aleks Skibicki
Highland View PTO

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Highland View PTO:  Looking for you!

Hello Highland View Families!

I hope you had a chance to enjoy this amazing day.  How beautiful to see the sun again.  The flowers seem to appreciate it too.  Speaking of flowers, do you know what flowers grow on faces?  Two-lips!


1)  Moving on, the PTO is still looking for someone interested in volunteering to be PTO Treasurer next year.  The current treasurer has ensured a smooth transition, and will be available to help if needed.  If you're interested, or just have questions, reply to this email!

2)  The minutes for the April 20th meeting are now available on our website here.

4)  Know a great Highland View Volunteer?  There's only a little while left to send in a nomination letter for them to win this year's Bruce Paprocki Volunteer of Distinction award.  Send a letter with your name, the nominees name, and why you think they deserve the award to this email address, or to Mrs. Flater ASAP!

3)  Tickets for the Greendale Education Foundation "Celebration of Education" event held May 22nd at Boerner Botanical Gardens are now available.  Just reply to this email and I can get them to you.  They're the same price as previous years ($35 per ticket) and support the GEF which has provided over $300,000 in grants for Greendale schools, students, and teachers since 19999.

4)  If you're busy on May 22nd, you could instead find some friends and form a kickball team for the GEF First Annual Kickball Tournament August 8-9th during Village Days.  Teams can be 10-15 players, and are guaranteed at least 2 games.  Registration forms are available in the Highland View Office, or online here.   Registration is $200 per team before June 15th, and $220 after that.

Have a fantastic night!  See you at school!

Aleks Skibicki

PTO Minutes 4/20/2015

Highland View PTO
Minutes from Meeting on 4-20-2015

1)  Call to order at 6:02 in the Highland view Library
9 members in attendance
2)  Approved Agenda
3)  Approved Minutes from 3-9-2015 
4)  Treasurer’s Report was approved
      Treasurer passed along the amount of Battle of the Books reward certificates used.
5)  Grant Committee Report
· Mr. Bohlin $280.59
· 4th Grade Old World Wisconsin Trip $225
· Both request fit into the guidelines. The grant committee recommended approval of both. The PTO approved both. Mr. B was asked to make the purchase and submit receipt for reimbursement. He agreed.
6)  Bylaw Amendments
· Article III Section D approved by PTO
· Article V Section F was discussed and then approved by PTO
7)  Nominations Committee Report
· Additional Nominations requested
· Nominations committee is submitting a slate of:
Aleks Skibicki (Pres.), Chandra Comiskey (VP), Shawn Schlieve (Sec.), Cheryl Kelly (Treas.)
· Aleks was asked to seek a possible new treasurer; Cheryl Kelly has a smooth transition prepared if anyone is interested.
8)  Old Business
· Fun Fair there was not a representative from the committee. Both chairs will be stepping down next year. So we are looking for new energetic, idea-filled chairs for next year.
· It was stated that the raffle went a lot faster, possibly due to new method and less prizes. It was mentioned it seemed less congested, not necessarily due to lower attendance but possible less prize tables. All who attended had fun.
· Book Fair went well. Good Job!!
· Mrs. G Polar Plunge Expenses there was $46.77 remaining. PTO motioned to cover this addition. It was accepted.
9)  New Business
· High Interest Day. A discussion about possibly too many sports activities, it was decided it was ok. Tracy said there is not a need for waivers for the pet activity, and the hand massage is fine. There is still a need for a seamstress with a machine to help out. Aleks is checking with some seniors. Police participation is finalized. Fire department still needs to be finalized. Christine wasn’t sure if that would be too much as we already have two more activities then last year. It was decided it was not so she will call.  
· Staff Appreciation Week  A meeting Wednesday after school 3:30 p.m. A few ideas were brought up. Aleks will take to meeting.
· May fitness activity for the school, Panther tracks worked well last year. 300 children participated, prizes cost $160. Aleks will get the papers ready to do it again the year by April 30th.
· Healthy snacks for Badger testing PTO voted to allow $100 to purchase “cuties” for children before testing
· Nominations for Bruce Paprocki Volunteer Award being accepted
· Theresa West Scholarship Committee    Aleks will check with GHS guidance counselor for any applicants.
9b) Principal Report 
        4k Daddy day went well, looking forward to Mommy day May 8th
         Tornado drill was done statewide on Thursday now it is done for the year yaa!
         then the 5th grade
10)  Announcements
· School Garden Info Meeting Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Trophy will be presented
· GEF Celebration of Education May 22 tickets $35.00
· GEF Kickball Tournament
August 8 5th grade and below
August 9 parent/staff
$200 per team 10-20 players pamphlet of rules in office
PTO approved to pay for a staff team from Highland View

Alison B. mentioned the read and roll box is still missing.

Meeting Adjourned approximately at 7:15p.m.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Highland View PTO:  What's on the agenda tomorrow?

We have so much going on!

The weather must be getting worse.  In fact, I think the weatherman's expecting orangutans to fall from the sky--I heard him talking about Ape-ril showers!

Now that I have that out of my system, this meeting's a pretty important one, so I'd love to see you there.  We'll be talking about:

High Interest Day
Teacher Appreciation Week
A May fitness activity for the school
A classroom needs grant committee request
A proposal to provide healthy snacks to classes for testing days
Nominations for the Bruce Paprocki Volunteer award
Nominations for the PTO officer positions for next year
A couple PTO bylaw changes (that went home in backpack mail last month)

The meeting is at 6:00 in the Highland View Library.  Please attend if you can!


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Highland View PTO:  Needs Your Input!

Hello Highland View Families!

Welcome back from spring break!  Between the showers, I hope you get a chance to enjoy the sunshine.

Speaking of showers, we all know that April showers bring May flowers, but do you know what May flowers bring?


Which brings us to a couple places the PTO needs your input:

1)  Nominations!  The Bruce Paprocki Volunteer of Distinction Award deadline is approaching.  If you know a Highland View volunteer who's really making a difference, email a short letter with: their name, your name, and why you think they deserve the award.  You can send it to Mrs. Flater at  So far we only have a few nominations.  I know there have been more AWESOME Highland View volunteers than that!  All nominees along with the award recipient will be recognized at the Volunteer Appreciation breakfast at the end of the year.

2)  Nominations!  The Opportunity to nominate someone (or be nominated) to run for a PTO board position (President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary)  is right now.  If you're interested in taking on a more active role in the PTO let us know.  You can nominate yourself too!  If you know someone you think would be a good officer, pass that information along and we'll get in touch with the person too.  (If you prefer, we can even keep your name completely out of it!)  New ideas come with new people, so don't be shy if you think this is something you might be interested in.

3)  Garden time!  It's about time to clear out the Highland View Garden and get it growing for spring.  There'll be a Garden volunteer meeting next Wednesday (4/22) in the Library at 6:30.

That's all for the moment; see you soon!

Aleks Skibicki

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Highland View PTO:  Minutes from the March meeting

Highland View PTO
Minutes from meeting 3/9/15

Meeting called to order at 6:02PM in the Highland View Library
13 members present

1. Minutes of previous meeting (2/9) approved.

2. Treasurer’s report approved.  The next check from Target Redcard contributions won’t be received until Feb. 2016.

3. Old business:
RIF recent book distribution successful.  A new chairperson is needed for next year.  To make the job more manageable, an idea introduced was to divide the job into three separate chairs for the following events: 1) Read Me a Story Night, 2) Battle of the Books, & 3) Read & Roll game.

Parent-teacher conferences were a success.  Food was provided for teachers.  Parents appreciated having the option of kids watching the movie in the library.  Two parent volunteers are needed for this to work.

Stop sign report:
Double signs will be provided by the Village for the two Ramsey intersections.  Village is moving away from lit stop signs, citing concerns from neighbors about late night lights.  Lit lights at those intersections are also expensive, $6000 are needed for lit signs and these would only be provided if (all?) neighbors in the area of the stop sign approves.

4. New business
Fun Fair:
Paula reported that there is a 32 inch flat screen tv plus a tablet as part of the raffle.  Over 150 raffle items are set, including bikes.

High Interest Day:
Christine asked about pets being allowed; Tracy Flater would check.  Police and fire department participation still needs to finalized.  Sewing volunteer needed.  Nearly all the groups/presentations are set.

Bylaw amendments:
Amendments presented and considered.  Voting on the changes proposed to occur at the next general meeting on 4/20/2015.

Nominating committee set to look for new officers for next school year:
Chandra C., Megan M., & Aleks volunteered.

Sample Friday new item: kale chips-kids enjoyed trying something new.

Request for bus funding for 4th grade Biztown trip:
Tracy F. asked for half of the coach bus bill of $900.  Request of $450 approved unanimously.

Idea proposed for funding for food prepared by teacher Ms. G. since she was reported to have spent around $300 for the food spread that she and her mom prepared for the teachers.  The food was a thank you gesture after the funds raised for the Polar Plunge.

5. Principal’s time:
Black History month activities discussed. Each class made wonderful door decorations.  Other classes toured the building like a museum tour.  I-pads outside each door provided additional information.  Kids enjoyed the trivia questions.  Family passes to the art museum was raffled off from all the winners there were picked that submitted correct answers.

Read Across America was beginning which included theme days and trivia questions.  10 Dr. Suess books available for a classroom library.

PBIS focus will be on playground behavior.  There will be a game of the week that will included an ambassador who will promote the game.  There are for specific behavioral lessons for the students relating to positive behavior during recess time.