The PTO provides for programs designed to enhance each grade’s current curriculum, provides teachers with additional
materials not covered in the school’s budget, and hosts many family-fun and community events.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Meeting Minutes January 11th, 2016

            Highland View PTO
               Monday 1-11-16

1)        Called to order at 6pm, 16 people were in attendance
           Welcome/Introductions were made.
1 a)     Buddy bench Gavin (a 5th grader) explained they would like to have a coin drive to pay for this bench. He asked the PTO if they would pay for popcorn and juice for the winning class. Also he thought we should have one for each playground. The cost for each is approximately $300. If they raised the money for one would the PTO pay for another? This is at the beginning stages he will return in a couple months with the details. 

2)  Minutes from November were reviewed It was noted that Aleks did not take the check for repayment of the magician.
      Minutes from December were reviewed no changes
Both were approved.

3) Treasury report- Megan stated two numbers were transposed and she fixed them. $1000 was earned from the Box Tops. The report was approved by a voice vote.

4) School Board Update-John Comiskey reported
That they were considering open enrollment to fill some slot so that they would not have to cut staff. Right now they would need to cut one staff person per school. The district would receive $6600 per child.
Community funds were transferred to the High School, needs..
*track- can’t host meets because of deterioration (it is in the works for repairs)
*tennis courts- 2 courts do not meet WIAA, For meets 8 courts are needed presently there are six
*pool- is not compliant with ADA there are not enough funds for any upgrades here.
Superintendent search has over twenty applicants the firm that was hired will narrow it down two six the results will be on line in two weeks.

5)  Current Business
            March Event Committee met. Notes were discussed a few clarifications were made
Kristi Settle will solicit some prizes for all participant.
Mrs. Flater has an evaluation/write up for each participant. Alek will see if GHS AP science students are available to assist. Also a “Mad Scientist / Greendale Panther wearing a lab coat will visit?
Teacher will promote in classroom but that will be the extent of their participation.
Shawn Schlieve will decorate the gym with science, technology, and mathematic posters. March 4-18th.
            Room Committee Report            Aleks asked to read and report feedback
            Neon Dance                                D. J. is $60 cheaper, Crazy hair will be only for dance not during the school day. Mrs. Flater said there would be a ticket pull every hour. The extra t-shirt with neon markers would be given out. There will not be advanced tickets, it will be pay at the door. Megan has all of the volunteers needed. There will be a photo booth, chili cook off, walking taco’s and neon bears for special Olympics.
            Crossing Guard Appreciation      Was discussed and a gift a day was worked out.
            Special Olympics Polar Bear Pizza Party Incentive—A motion was made for the PTO to sponsor this.
Polar Bear Plunge February 28th at the Zoo. The three elementary school principals will participate (with tutu’s ?).
6) Upcoming Business
            Read Me a Story Night February 19th 6-7:30pm.  A make your own station will be added in the gym for children to make books, and book marks. Kristi will set up.
            Black History Month a meeting will be held Jan. !5th at 7:45 anyone interested may attend.

7)  Principal Time
            1600 tickets were sold, the children earned a p.j. and pizza party.
            Building Security-FAB System is in place and working for staff. Parent access needs to be worked out, doors are still open for some event
            Winter assessment- STAR was completed and results were sent home
8) New Business
            School packets- Jen asked that we round up to the nearest dollar for PTO to make a little money
            A few reminders- Panda Express, Band/orchestra concert, Neon dance, Extra T-shirt and yearbooks, Attendance Awards, GEF Cheers for Education, PTO Conference in Chicago

9) Meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.

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