The PTO provides for programs designed to enhance each grade’s current curriculum, provides teachers with additional
materials not covered in the school’s budget, and hosts many family-fun and community events.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Highland View PTO:  Meet the Greendale School Board Candidates--and MORE!

What an amazing week!  I sure hope spring has sprung! Springing forward though, here are just a few big deals for the week coming up:

First:  Don't forget that all the candidates running for Greendale's School Board (and therefore running to decide the future of your child's education) will be at the PTO meeting Monday March 14th at 6:00 in the library.  After PTO business is concluded the candidates will stick around to meet you and answer your questions.  The PTO will provide light refreshments.

Second:  Highland View STEMfest, wow!  70 students have put together 50 projects highlighting science, technology, engineering, and math.  Everyone's invited to come join the fun this Friday March 18th 6:00-7:30 PM in the gym.  Whether your student made a project or not, there is something for everyone, and the first 200 students to come will receive a floppy calculator do some mathematizing on their own!  

Second, part B:  Except for the Mathopolis demos, there's no staff for the super-cool-yet-totally-easy activities at STEMfest.  If you can help out at STEMfest and work a demo with the kids that would be AWESOME.  Please sign up here!  If you're not quite sure what you'd be getting into, I'll have examples of the various activities at the PTO meeting on Monday (make silly putty, program your friend like a robot, and make electrical circuits with conductive play dough) so you can see for yourself that they're exactly as easy as I'm promising!

Third:  Did I mention we have a PTO meeting coming up on Monday?  

Fourth:  Two super cool book fair links.  (By the way, the Book Fair's this week 3/14-3/18!)  Cheryl can always use help with the fair, whether that's ringing students up, helping them find a just-right book, or reminding them (gently) that mom probably didn't give them $20 to spend on erasers and doo-dads. Check to see where she needs you at the sign up page here.  The second cool link is one I don't remember seeing before:  a place to shop the book fair online.  There are books by category, and I asked the teachers to put their wishlists online too (keep checking back if they're not up right away--I just discovered that feature today!)  That link is right here.

That's it for now!  See you soon!

Aleks Skibicki

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