The PTO provides for programs designed to enhance each grade’s current curriculum, provides teachers with additional
materials not covered in the school’s budget, and hosts many family-fun and community events.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

PTO February Meeting Minutes

Minutes:  Highland View PTO
Monday 2-8-16

  1. Called to order at 6 p.m., 6 people in attendance
  2. Minutes from January were reviewed.  It was noted that there is a correction in Principal’s Time from the previous minutes.  The STAR assessment results were given 2/19 or at conferences.  The correction was noted and January minutes were reviewed and approved.
  3. Treasure’s Report -Neon Dance Night made over $400.  Attendance was at least 475.  Tallying stopped at the end.  It was a great success and the kids had fun! Treasure’s report was presented and approved.
  4. School Board Update- thank you to all for attending the Superintendent candidates meetings.
  5. Grant Committee Report - Grant request $62.99 spring bass bow for orchestra.  Amendment to approve a grant up to $126 for a second bass bow.  Approved.  Mrs. Flater will talk to the orchestra instructor to see if an additional bow is needed.
  6. Past/Current Events
Neon Dance Night - Students were fantastic and rewarded positive reinforcement for positive behavior.  The students showed great integrity.  For example, $2 was left by a basket and nobody claimed it or stole it.  Therefore, it was donated to the Polar Plunge.  A student turned in $5 that was found.  TV/VCR raffle  were awarded but there were no takers and the leftover TVs will be recycled.  
African American History Month -The goal:  learn the impact African Americans have had on our lives today.  Information will be shared during announcements.  Each grade level picked either social issues, entertainment, or sports.  2/29 is the assembly where each grade level will share. There will also be a performance by an African American dance troupe.  It cost an additional $50 to have the African American dance troupe perform.  There was a motion to approve the additional $50 to support African American History Month.  It was approved.  Ms. Merritt will sing the first verse of Black National Anthem with the older students.
Room Parent Program-  It will be introduced at the teacher meeting with Mrs. Flater on Thursday to get teacher feedback.  In April, Mrs. Flater will give feedback from the teacher’s perspective.  
5th Grade Scholarship Purchase -PTO has a scholastic bank account.  5th grade would like $332 of scholastic money for purchase of books.  There was a motion to approve the purchase of the books.  It was approved.  At the teacher meeting, Mrs. Flater will remind other teachers that scholastic books are available.  
      7)  Upcoming Events
Conference Dinners (2/16) - There was a motion to increase conference dinner budget by $85.  The motion was approved.
Conference Child Care - It helps to have additional help for child care.  It was discussed that their be an age limit due to state regulations.
Read Me a Story Night (2/19) - There will be stations set up, 2 groups. K4-2nd grade and 3rd-5th grade.  The first 45 minutes one group will have stories read while the other group is in the gym to create story starters, bookmarks.  The high school National Honors Society Members may be coming to help and 2-3 teachers at each grade level.  The last 15 minutes everyone may be in the gym for milk and cookie.  A flyer went out for students to wear their pjs.   A Sign-up Genius was also created for families to donate cookies and gallons of milk.
STEMfest (3/18) -Students can do a project by their self or with a group.  Participants may receive a 40-60 day to either Milwaukee Public Museum, Discovery World, or Urban Ecology Center.  Metals may also be given to the participants.  There will be fun science projects to do in addition to viewing the participants projects.  One example of a fun science project might be, make your own putty.  Greendale School District’s mascot, the Panther will be roaming around in a science lab coat.  On announcements, students will be able to announce the title of their project.  Posters will be put up around the school advertising the STEMfest.  There was a discussion to change the time of the event to 6:00-7:30 p.m.  The first 45 minutes one group of participants would be showing their project while the second group of participants would be viewing all the projects then the groups would switch roles.  
Qdoba Night Out (2/23) - Need to bring flyer to Qdoba so 10% goes to HV
Papa Murphy’s gives a percentage from anybody who buys from their establishment that day.  We will do that in June.  
Principal’s Time - Showing kindness to others - 2nd graders at an assembly gave a news report and acted out the presentation.  They talked about the ‘Buddy Benches’.  Students talked about how they can be kind at recess to each other.
Valentine's - reminder, no candy with valentines
Change to Dismissal Procedure - 3:30 bell will ring.  Bus students will be dismissed.  30 seconds later, walkers and Bridges students will be dismissed.  The next 30 seconds, parent pick-up students will dismissed.  Teachers will stay on duty until 3:40 p.m.  The changes in the dismissal procedure are an effort to prevent a stampede of students all at one time and to maintain safe environment.  
Read Across America - (meeting Friday to gather more information) We Read Challenge (like the ice bucket challenge), challenge everyone to read 3 books then they challenge another 3 people to read 3 books.
Polar Plunge (2/28) - Polar Plunge Bears can be purchased until 2/26

8)  Announcements
GEF Cheers to Education (2/26) - Food from all over the area, culinary arts students will be providing as well
School Board Candidate Forum at next PTO meeting - Each candidate will introduce himself/herself.  Parents are welcome to talk to the candidates after the PTO meeting.
Bruce Paprocki Distinguished Volunteer Award - Recognize volunteers who go above and beyond.  People should write letters to the PTO Executive Board and Mrs. Flater.  Letters in should contain:  Who are you, who are you recognizing, and why.  The selection committee will meet in April.  We would like to include teachers on the committee.  

9)  Meeting adjourned at 7 p.m.  

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